Hi guys! Guess what? Yesterday I hit the 3-week mark since starting my medicine, and now my folks are allowed to really focus on my training and re-conditioning. It is SO FUN!! And I think that this is the first time I have ever really enjoyed it.Today mom and I went on a super long, super awesome walk to the bark park. I got kind of distracted a few times heading out there, but I always brought my attention back. That's big news! There were a few extreme stressors that unfortunately we were not able to avoid - like the above-ground train that comes roaring about my head. I HATE IT!! It makes me tuck my tail, twitch, try to run and scream as loudly as I can. But on this walk I was able to do Sit Like Good Boy and Shake while feasting hard on beefy jerky treats. I also tried really hard to nibble a big treat from mom's hand while the train passed, and I think I was a little rough on her with my feasting teeth because I was so nervous. Sorry mom!
We made it to the park and I played the entire time. I was also picked on by this big dog whose human kept saying "He doesn't bite, don't worry" and mom got really mad because ALL dogs can bite! And wouldn't you know... this dog got himself a mouth full of Stanislaw - TWICE!! That human had to do the walk of shame from the park with his meany pup, but being the party animal that I am I didn't let it get to me (I wasn't actually injured). I continued to romp and play like a wild beast. I did absolutely no screaming whatsoever, and although I'd go through the motions that start me off on my running/screaming patterns, I never actually completed a single one. More big news!!
On the walk home I was tired and enjoying a decently wet belly (thanks sprinkler!) so I did Heel Like Good Boy almost the entire way. I kept making eye contact with mom ON MY OWN and feasting on treats like crazy! Again, there was no screaming during our walkies and barely any whining either. I'm NEVER EVER quiet when I'm outside!!
So, with our first day of training done I'm thinking that I made my folks pretty proud. I still suffer from many of my symptoms, but they seem to have significantly released their grip on me. I definitely need to work through the habit portion of my behaviors, but the fact that things like reflections and lights now rarely send me into a frenzy shows us that my little blue pill is doing its job. I still twitch on the rare occasion and I still cave, but I'm more "conscious" when doing it. The portion of my loonies that would make me manic has toned down a lot and now I can do something my people really seem to enjoy. It's called "Focus." And I don't even have to try that hard!
Now, don't get me wrong - I'm still my hyperactive, party-lovin', stink-breathin', Gumby-esque self, and all that is Stanislaw is very much present. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm still totally crazy...
Prozac-ed and ready for action,
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Raw Food Diet, Day 605- Lessons in Prozac
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Raw Food Diet, Day 602- If You Build It, They Will Feast
Big Pupi is one helpful dude:
So. When I heard that my buddy Joe is planning to open his own garage, I decided to lend a paw and brush up on my construction skillz. Somehow mom knew I was going to need the proper tools for this, and last week she placed my very own drill in my feasting hole. If I'm not mistaken, (and I most certainly am not), once a boy owns tools he becomes a professional carpenter. So, Mr. Joe, I am ready for work.I read my drill's manual very carefully, and after I shred the heck out of it I got to work checking and testing my new tool.
It makes this fabulous nails-on-chalkboard sound every time I roll over it, which I believe is how the On and Off switch works. In a test of durability (you never know with these battery-operated drills!) I nibbled on its bum for a while.
I realized that my bum required some cushioning if I am to concentrate, so I moved my work station to my snoozel spot. Upon entering, I noticed that my bed was terribly lumpy and uncomfortable on my sensitive, manly bahonkus! But this was the perfect opportunity to test my drillin' skillz before starting work with Joe. I would drill until I found the problem! Just call me Captain FixIt.
But to my ABSOLUTE HORROR, this evil thing popped out from under my rear!!!
WHAT?!! The source of lumps! The pea under my mattress! There aren't enough drills in the UNIVERSE to get rid of this pain in the bum.
That being said, a Stanislaw makes for a rather decent hot water bottle of sorts, and I snoozeled next to his toastiness for a while. (NO!! We were NOT cuddling!! I know what you're thinking!!!)
Once my mind was rested, I embarked on a few brain teasers to ensure that I would be as sharp as a tack for my first day on the job. In an effort to conserve time (after all, time is cheese money), I did a light yoga workout while solving my puzzle. I think they call that "multi-feasting."After some great success with my puzzle toy (mom put string cheese bits in it, so I was über-motivated), I decided it was time to rest my genius once again. But this time I would snoozel with Carrot Top and NOT my stinkbutt brother.
Send a weeble mail when you need me. I am skilled with my drill, my mind is ready and my beastly muscles have been conditioned. If I had dewclaws I'd sharpen them. I'm really good at napping, feasting, feasting and thrashing stuffies - all things which I believe make me ideal for shop work.
I have successfully run my own business for over 6 years now (a pooble factory) and have managed to train 2 unwieldy humans. I am spritely and responsible, and have an awesome credit score.
I wrote my resume in the snow last winter. I hope you can still find it.
Thank you, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.
Big Pupi the Drill Master
Friday, September 18, 2009
Raw Food Diet, Day 596- A Black and Tan
Heya feaster dudes!
After leaving a comment on my new buddy Euri's blog (he's a fellow Super Spaniel), I was inspired to write this little post~
When I was first taken into foster care, I was thought to have some black and tan spaniel in me. Why? Because I had rust-colored splotches on my face! I KNOW!! I didn't believe it either! Mom had to dig up some pics to prove it to me.
Here's a skinny photo of my first day as a rusty adopted beast:

But even more than those handsome pics of yours truly, I like the ones of me annoying the HECK out of my brother when I first moved in:
Long, dark and handsome,
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Raw Food Diet, Day 591- Beasts and Their Boats
Big Pupi talks about his big day:
I had SUCH AN EXCITING day today! But before I get into that, I'll give you a little update on my brother~Stanley has been on his medication for over a week now, and boy-oh-boy is it helping! The intense snoozely side effects passed after only 2 days, and since then he's been steadily climbing uphill. Mom hasn't caught him doing one single fly-biting twitch, and although he still whines a lot he doesn't really scream anymore when outside. Also, when we are out for our runs about town my people are able to get Stanley to "watch me" and "sit, wait" when we're stuck at a red light. It's fairly easy to get his attention now! He'll even "come, sit" during our potty walks outside! (All for cheese and beefy jerky, of course.)
My bro is still a wild and wacky, hyperactive cocker spaniel, but that dark, manic part of his personality is fading. He just seems happier - lighter, almost. Furthermore, Stan will begin a compulsive behavior and then never follow through with it. For example, he'll look into the TV to see the reflection, and instead of getting all crazed and obsessed he'll just sniff and walk away. Same goes with his bark park patterns - he'll go to one of his "stations" out of what looks like habit, and the compulsion to run his pattern never actually kicks in. He'll stand there for a moment before turning and looking for a fellow party animal to thrash with. Normally we'll lose him to one of his triggers and patterns, and never really get him back for the rest of the day. It's AMAZING! My folks are so proud of him.He's been getting extra squenches and snugs for being so Good Boy-ish. I'm jealous! My people are going to try their best to keep from pushing him too far too fast, and we still have another 2 weeks before the Prozac builds up in his body. They will develop a training plan once they see where he's at then.
Now onto his more intelligent and gracious older brother ... ahem, ME.
Today I got to go on a doggy boat cruise with my fellow therapy dog friends! Mom and I got up nice and early to make it to the ticket booth on time, then I got to shake my tail feathers at these awesome canines while we waited to board.There were SO MANY lady chihuahuas also in line that were not with our group. I was in HEAVEN!! I LOVE wee lady chihuahua doggettes! I made sure to flex my rippling muscles and prance all manly-like to convince them of my beastliness.
I was determined to snag a seat at the front of the boat so that I could get first dibs on any stinks and smells. But first, I made sure to ask mom if it was okay with her that I sit on her lap for the ENTIRETY of the 90-minute trip.I didn't like this dog too much because he kept trying to break into mom's bag and eat all my Good Boy cheese bit treats, but I have to admit - dude could pose for some good photo ops.
It was gloriously sunny and I relaxed under the toastiness of the sun's rays.
On our exit from the river in to the lake, we saw these crazy bee-hive buildings. Can you imagine the size of those bees!! I've eaten a few bees in my lifetime and let me tell you... those guys are SPICY!!
Once in the lake we saw my aquarium and stadium (I have weebled on the lawns and therefore they belong to me.) I prefer to call them the Underwater Feasting Center and Supreme Dog Park.
I became very interested in this crazy ball/balloon thingy and wondered what king of fetch is played with something that large. I figured it was probably Great Dane sized but didn't smell any horse dogs on the horizon. I was confused.
The ball got even bigger the closer we got to Navy Pier (also mine).
Our human boat speaker guy said that this lighthouse was once rented to a human for $1 a year as long as he took care of the lighthouse. He lived there for a few years before being evicted for being too much of a party animal. I wonder if he ever met Stanley.
These onlookers were all juicy and delicious. I took much interested in both of them, but they honked at me in mocking since I couldn't actually give chase.
This is Merchandise Mart. It was built by Marshall Fields as a place for all Chicago merchants to sell their wares. Its grand opening took place about 90 hours before Black Friday, after which the building went bankrupt. Fields had to sell the building to the Kennedy family for about $12 million in cheese money. They held the building for over 60 years before selling it to another company for over $700 million. I wonder how many chickens and goats you can buy with that...
This building was the famous Sears Tower, but now it's called the Willis Tower. I hope my name never gets changed like that! There are also rumors that it will be turned silver. Remind me to weeble on this one later.
Towards the end of our visit I spotted the most important and well-named landmark of all~
~ this boat!!
Our boat eventually docked and I said bye to my buddies. Mom and I headed home and I did a little of this:
That is... until I saw her giving some unearned attention to Stanislaw. So I grabbed a piece of cardboard from the rubbish and pranced about trying to steal her attention away.
It worked! I was so Good Boy today that I DESERVE all of the attention!
We hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!
Snoozeling with my cardboard,
Big Pupi
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Raw Food Diet, Day 584- My little blue pill
Hello to my bloggerini friends out there. I survived my trip to the Place of Tile and Steel and let me tell you... it was AWESOME!!
My doctor is crazy nice, and she got down on the floor and played with me while she and my mom chatted. I got lots of snugs and scritches! Then she gave me a quick once-over which meant even more hugs and pets. And that was it!! No pricks, no pokes, no nothing but attention and some sort of listening device held to my chest. It was a breeze. I almost wore out my tail muscles.
A few hours later, my mom disappeared to a human pharmacy and grabbed my fancy new human prescription - Prozac - 10mg per day. (Otherwise known as Fluoxetine.) It is a Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitor and over the course of the next 3 weeks it should provide me with a bit of a coping ability as well as a window through which my humans can begin my training and conditioning. And hopefully it will eradicate my need to do repetitive things like this:That's me caving. My dad's legs are my favorite place to stand under and freeze, and I'll do it every chance I get - whether he's sitting in a chair or stretching before a run. I'll even try to wedge myself underneath him while he's doing push-ups! I just can't help myself.
So far I've had 2 doses of my new medication - one each morning. The first dose really did nothing, but today I'm a bit more chill than normal and tad sleepy. The vet warned that sleepiness is a common but temporary side effect and should go away as my body adjusts. Mom is feeling so guilty about having to dose me every day that she decided to "look the other way" when I did Naughty Boy and hopped onto the human crate and into dad's warm, snoozely arms.Awww man. It was SOO COMFY!! I was totally chilled out until I saw Big Pupi's wrastly butt come flying onto the bed.
He was totally trying to get in on my "dad and son" moment! But when I realized that he just wanted to snug with mom (total mamma's boy!!) I relaxed again.
And I got super snoozelish.
Once Big Pupi hit the sheets he also was overtaken by the sleepies.
So much so that he couldn't even be bothered to move himself from the optimal belly-rubbin' beggin' position.
We finally woke to the sounds of our leashes and the rustle of pooble bags. We were going on a fast hunt to PetSmart!! Our totally awesome dog pal Giggles got my bro and me a gift card wedding present and Pupi and I could pick out anything we wanted! Pupi got a fancy new red harness that's only for therapy work and formal outings. (Mom says our running harnesses get super stinky - I have no idea why that's a bad thing!) BP also got a stuffy hamburger, and I got a stuffy puppy rope tug toy and a Kong frog stuffy. Super awesome!
Even though it was a long walk/run to the store, Pupi and I were really antsy when we got home, so our folks made us treat puzzles to work on.I got my Everlasting Fun Ball filled with beef jerky and dried salmon~
~and Pupi got his Tornado puzzle toy filled with little bits of the same. As usual, he had that thing empty in mere minutes! Here he is stealthily removing one of the locks:
After all this, I was seriously pooped. Whether it's drug or exercise-induced my folks aren't quite sure. Regardless, I had a belly that needed rubbing. I told my folks it would be good luck.
But I couldn't balance that way for long. My beasting muscles were too sleepy! So I snugged in with CarrotTop and let the snoozels come in waves. (See my crazy pokey rib?)
But the snoozels didn't just wash over me - they hit me like a ton of bricks.
Wake us for dinner, mom.
Your pal in feasting,
Staniszszzzzzzzzzz zzzzz
Thursday, September 3, 2009
News Flash!! (and post 2 for today)
Pet-Tabs Complete Daily Vitamin-Mineral Supplement for dogs was found by Consumer Labs to be contaminated with lead. Due to the extremely high content, (13-14% ABOVE what is considered to be a safe amount), Consumer Labs has deemed this vitamin to have FAILED their test.
Read more:
MSNBC article
Consumer Lab website
If you feel that feasting on a multi-vitamin is important, please talk with your vet about using a chewable children's vitamin that contains NO IRON. Standards for human products are much more stringent and carefully monitored than those for dogs, and more often than not they cost less cheese money!
Raw Food Diet, Day 581- We're a Family!
Dudes! Crazy things have been happening in The Territory of Stanislaw!
First, my folks dropped my bro and me off at camp for an ENTIRE WEEK! Really, I didn't mind it since I'm a party animal and I get to play with some pretty awesome canines all day, every day. That part really wasn't that strange, since we've been there plenty of times before. The weirdness began when we were picked up and mom had all of our camp files changed to a different name. WHAT? Isn't all my paperwork filed under "Beast"??? That still seems correct to me!
Whatever. I let that one slide since I got to return to the House of Feasting (otherwise known as Stanislaw's Sweet Pad) and the snacks and treats came pouring on. Delish!From what I gather, my people got Hitched. I had always thought that was sort of like when my folks and I go on fast hunts, and I'm hooked from my harness to a leash to my people. But no - apparently with humans it means that you are attached by the ring finger. Seriously dudes... I've always said that you can't trust a breed that doesn't sniff bum during introductions. Humans are just too unpredictable. They are totally bizarre!!
Anybeast, on to more important things...
My folks got this totally awesome wedding present and my mom has been using it like a crazy bean. It makes these wonderful warm, creamy smells and any time my bro and I see my people approach this Machine o' Feasting we have to make certain that we're not missing out on anything.It will rouse me from my slumber and disrupt Pupi from his stuffy nibbles.
On some mornings it will produce the most wonderful, fresh yogurt you have EVER TASTED!!! And what's better is that my bro and I get the first serving of this heavenliness on our breakfeasts!! AWWWW MAN! Big Pupi has taken to removing all of his meat from his bowl to get to the yogurt first. It is THAT good! We'll even make frequent checks on Captain Sir Majesty Yogurt Maker during the cooking process, just to make sure everything is turning out okay. We are OBSESSED. I'll tell 'ya... your people have got to get you one of these!
Feasting stories aside, when we returned from camp Big Pupi was seriously stuffy deprived and crazy pumped to see his old friends. He piled a load of his toys on to the sofa and had a stuffy nibble party for about 223,453 hours straight. Mr. Pelican got the first stuffy-love-fest of the day, which started with a bum nibble~Which then became a careful belly nibble~
And finished with a relaxing tongue facial and under-beak massage.
As for me, I was totally party-animalled out and I snoozeled like a naughty boy on the sofa with a toasty sun blanket poured over my beastliness.
It was so relaxing not having all those other dogs up in my spot making me all feisty-like. I finally got to rest!
I was so out of it that I accidentally let mom get this really humiliating photo of me dreaming about running after squirrels.
I was certain to make time out of my supremely busy snoozel schedule to mock my brother for all of his jowly flesh. He didn't take it too kindly.
I mean seriously - do you SEE all that neck/jowly flesh?! It's CRAZY!! It hangs down like a waddle! HA!
Big Pupi assumed that I was just being brat because I was jealous of his brand new New England Collar~
Nope. I was just shocked by his extreme jowliness.
Later on that day he got revenge on yours truly, when he spotted me all snuggly and snoozeling with his Easter Bunny Stuffy.Bro! C'mon! I am so not a weeny boy just because I like to do some snugs with a stuffy! I find it rather comforting and manly.
It helps me dream about feasting on those bunnies I see in the Grant Park Potter's Garden. They're so fat and tasty!
And speaking of manly beasts, I guess my mom and bro have realized the error of their ways and the cool-dudeness of dad's and my ways, and have officially decided to cross over to our side. Hence their name change and consequent increase in awesomeness. Dad says that we're officially a family now and like him, I have to adopt Pupi as my legal brother. WHAT?! I never signed on for this!! I am SO NOT related to that old jowly man! But Food Mommy is cool. I guess she can stay as long as she continues to fill my bowl with feasts. Plus, I really like to snuggle with her. She says that when I'm sleepy I become a Professional Squencher and I absolutely adore snugging in her lap (do NOT tell anyone I told you that!!).Living the family life, yo.
Big Pupi throws a comment in the mix:
Hello to our feasting friends. We are in the process of catching up with all of your blogs. Little by little we'll make our way through!
I just wanted to leave a quick update - since it's been a while since I've clued ya'll (I'm from Texas, remember?) in on Stan's progress. Unfortunately, the news isn't good. The melatonin stopped having any discernible effect, and he stopped getting it about 2 weeks ago. His compulsive problems have shifted again, with a few disappearing and others getting stronger and new ones slowly creeping in. His caving (where he stands with his head under something and freezes) has gotten significantly worse, and he will spend 30-40 minutes at a time under dad's legs while he sits at his computer. Stan is still unable to function well enough outdoors to do his Good Boy Business when it has rained, as the puddles and reflections send him into a tizzy of whines, freezes and twitches. And speaking of twitches - his fly-biting continues and the leg-scratching behavior from when he was first adopted is starting to come back.
I could go on and on about his symptoms, but I'll wrap it up by letting ya'll know that my people have made the decision to try medication. His appointment at the Place of Tile and Steel is tomorrow afternoon. It may take up to 3 weeks before the medicine has any effect, but we are all praying it helps sooner. It's been over 2 years of behaviorists, training, exposure, hugs and kisses and we just can't allow him to suffer any longer. My little brother is an AWESOME dog when he's doing well, and a very sad boy when the demons take over.
Wish him well, and we'll keep you posted on the progress!
Big Pupi, the family man