What's up bloggerinis?!
It's your long-lost pal, Stanislaw. Just chillin'. Being beastly. You know. The usual.I've made the very intelligent decision to entertain you with the most spectacular photos of me (and mediocre ones of my brother), while I update you on our feastings and last few months. The photos have nothing to do with the post, except that Big Pupi and are playing with some sweet new toys that look like meatables. Awesome.
As you can imagine, a whole huge bunch of things have happened since I last wrote to you. For starters, our new doctor says that my brother is probably TEN YEARS OLD instead of the assumed 8. HA HA. Awesome. I always knew he was a grumpy old man! Aside from that revelation, and almost completely losing his hearing in old-man style, Big Pupi is fit as a fiddle (I have no idea what that means). We continue on our fast hunts in the early mornings and he outruns both my mom and me on the last mile. Don't tell anyone that.
Now for news about me! I have been completely weaned off my Prozac and have made enormous improvements on my OCD, twitching and other wacky behaviors. In the past YEAR, I've only had ONE bad episode of screaming and twitching and that's it!! It used to happen every single day before my medicine. Although I will never be a "normal" dog, I am now living a very comfortable and healthy life. And "normal" is boring anyway. Right?
With those minor updates, let me tell you what's been keeping my humans from posting for me.
You see, there's this big scary monster called Economy. This Economy beast did some major damage to my mom's industry in our last city. After a bit of struggle, mom got a job in another city that was too good to be true and she just couldn't turn it down. My dad, on the other hand, already had a good job and is too far through law school to transfer. Dad works full time, goes to school straight from work, and then comes home to homework every night until 2am. While my mom works very long hours, she's allowed to bring her work home with her at night. And so, Big Pupi and I moved down south with our mom.
It's not uncommon for mom's job to have her working until 10 or 11 at night (advertising... sheesh!). Because The Stanislaw requires much attentions and affections, she doesn't always have a lot of time or energies to keep up with my blog. But that doesn't mean that we're not reading yours. I promise that we are! It just means that I'm living life on the down-low for a while.
I'd totally like to bite this Economy monster in the bum. HARD.
But dad is done with school in May, and he's at the very top of his class. I can't wait to be a family again soon!! Mom says that we are making sacrifices so that we can "invest in our future" right now. All I have to say is that this dang "future" better have a squirrel farm for me in there somewhere.
So that's the Happenings with your friend Stanislaw. We're still feasting raw, running hard, and living life all beastly-like.
We've missed you!
8 hours ago
Woof! Your really look Great!
It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence
Great to see you guys. I am so sorry the economy has made your family far apart. But May is really soon and then you will all be together again.
Now my nephew, Misha, is a black spaniel just like you and he is kind of whacky as well, so if you are just normal cocker nuts without the meds, good for you.
Good to hear from you Stanni. Sorry to hear this terrible economy has separated your family; thank dog it's only temporary!
Your pal,
Have really missed your blog updates mate, this economy thing is really tough, you have to do what you can to get through it, hope you are all together again really soon xxxx
PS glad to hear about the meds thing, really good news indeed!!
It's soooo GWEAT to see you again and Big Puppy too
Thank you fow all those updateses..I hate that economy stuff too and would like to join you in biting it in the but..we awe going to pwobably have to move to Hungawy next yeaw cause we can't affowd to live hewe anymowe and my pawents awe too old to stawt ovew.
I think you look gweat and nowmal(whatevew that is) is highly ovewwated.
Stay healthy and don't give up youw dweams of a squiwwel fawm
smoochie kisses
BOYS you look fabulous!!! We have barely been writing as well so not too worry!! There is so much too do and so little time!! But we try to read and to post here and there! We are so happy you are off the P drug!! GOOD SHOW!!!!! WE are sending you all ajillion kisses and hugs!! Love A+A+PL2
I am so sorry the economy has made your family far apart. But May is really soon and then you will all be together again.Challenge coins
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It's great to stop by a visit your blog. We just love how cute you two are. We hope you are having a wonderful time with your toy. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
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