Whazzup dudes! Get your meat-feasting holes in gear because it's gonna be a boys' weekend at my place!!
Mom's away at something totally nerdy called a "shower," and that means that my bro and I have to stay home with dad. Seeing as I HATE the rain I'm super glad I don't have to tag along. There will be sports-watching and cheesy snack-snacking happening at home and I can't miss that!
But just to make certain you don't forget what a beast looks like over the weekend, I've included a few photos for your Stanislaw-viewing pleasure:
Now there's a fine snoozely beast.
Happy weekending everyone.
Pass the cheese please,
4 hours ago
great pic - have a great boys weekend - sounds like fun
Woodrow & MJ
I am sure your boys weekend will be more fun than a shower. Do lots of stuffie thrashing while you are at it.
Great photos. They show off you lovely nose to great advantage.
Your friend,
We hope you boyz will be breaking out the pizza and the beer and watching a baseball game together!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Stan!
Sounds like you are going to have a pawesome weekend!
Enjoy it!
Kisses and hugs
That's a very cute nose -- not to mention a cute paw, and cute ears, and ...
And woo will all get to skhratch things wherever and whenever woo want!
Happy Weekend!
Have a great boys weekend!
Your mom is going to a shower?? Does it not rain in your neck of the woods??
I can foresee lots of manly games and cheesy feasting this weekend at your place!
hey Stanislaw! you look so handsome and comfy in your pictures. you are gonna have a great weekend - dude style. have fun.
Did you bring out the cheese & wine? Oh dog, what a great weekend! I miss you guys... So much. The pictures just melt all our hearts. Now return them to us! Lol!
Dudes, didn't you know that a big group of girls having a SHOWER is, like, the best thing ever?! You just sit around being handsome and flirting and they can't resist cuddling and cooing over you and petting you.
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