I put on my business attire this morning and scheduled a meeting with my folks. We needed to have a serious discussion about this recent one-ounce decrease in my daily feasting. I miss that ounce of meet. That's over 28 grams of deliciousness that should be in my mouth every day! But this recent cut in my rations is not meant to make me lose any weight... I have to stay right where I am. However, in the past my body had been no good at regulating itself. I used to easily shed 3 pounds in a week! That's almost 15% of my body weight and it always resulted in some major snack-age and treating. Those were the days.
In recent months it appears that my insides have done some significant healing from my days as a starving boy, and the vet and my humans suspect that I may be able to hold on to body mass and process my food more effectively. So far it's been 3 days and I seem to be stable. Darn. I want feasts! There's a good chance that my food will be increased again once I get back onto my regular exercise schedule, but we've been laying low since Pupi and I caught this cold and we haven't been allowed to play as hard as usual.
In Bordatella news, we've been doing a-ok. We were only really ill for 24 hours, and since then we've shown almost no symptoms, - with the exception of one or two gentle throat-clearing sounds each day. All food has stayed down and all poobles have been normal. In fact, we've been doing so well that mom decided to BATHE US! Ack! As long-eared beasts we happened to get a little vomit in those danglies and were in dire need of a scrubbing. It was a pain in my furry bum.
Speaking of furry... Big Pupi's mohawk is looking sweet and is growing in really fast. As it gets longer it begins to have a little part down the middle and looks like a funky cowlick.
I can't stand being on lock-down in this apartment much longer! I need to get out and play with my friends ASAP, or else... or else....
...or else I'll chew up every sock in this place!
Hope you're enjoying your holiday!
Hi my now normal-pooble man!!
Did the meeting with your parents help? Or are you still near starvation over there???
I'm just so glad you are feeling better!! I was worried about my schnookiepookie!!
PEE(S)I think a little sock chewing would do you good!!
Your Paris
Every ounce counts!!!
That should be your motto Stanislaw. I am very glad to hear that you and Big Pupi are feeling better and that the raw diet has helped you to maintain your weight. However, the loss of even an ounce of meat each day is a horrible thought and I hope your family comes to their senses and gives it back to you.
Your friend,
hi Stanislaw, we had our yummy turkey necks for breakfast this morning and they were divine. we were thinking of you and your missing ounce of food. that's a big bummer.
maybe when you guys can get out and play again you can burn more calories and earn more food that way. we're hoping so. we don't want you to waste away.
BTW, it wasn't a BAD joke, but it might have been a DUMB joke. Baxter love to tell dumb jokes. hee hee!
Glad to hear the 'bordatella' thingy is in check...hope you get better real soon and be able to play with your friends! Love the shots of Big Pupi and his cowlip! *wink*
Big Pupi, your mohawk is so cool. I wish I can have the same hairstyle as you too. :)
~ Girl girl
Glad you are feline better...I mean feeling better!
Riley, too, has a dry throaty cough.
Sorry about the rations.
Big Pupi's mohawk is looking awesome!! Sometimes my hair gets a little funky looking too, especially when I've had a long nap borrowed in my pillows and covers. The most my mom ever does to prevent me from looking too goofy is making sure that my mohawk is brushed or fingercombed back so that it doesn't flop around everwhere.
Good luck on trying to sway your parents from cutting down on your feasting. Try giving them lots of sad puppy eyes. My mom and dad always melt when I try it on them.
What? Getting ready to run a marathon and your food has been decreased? That's insane!
I really like Big Pupi's mohawk; it's quite the fashion statement.
I'm eating the Innova Evo now and I really like it but my stools are very, very, very loose.
Stanislaw, that's just not right! That adds up after a while, you know. 7 ounces a week, 14 ounces in two weeks, and even more after that (we can't count any higher). And Pupi, that mohawk is friggin' awesome :-)
The Fleas
I am hoping you get that incwease sweet boy..it's gweat news that you and Big Pupi awe bof bettew..I bet you'll get out of lockdown soon and that pwobably will mean mowe food fow feasting!!!
You look sooooo handsome all clean and shiny and I simply sove that mohawk on Big Pupi..pleez stay well
loveand smoochie kisses
Hey There Stanislaw,
This is Skippy, the SpokesPug for Linden Line Designs. I was just excitedly stopping by to let you know that your adorable picture with your "towel-snood" is this month's Caption contest photo. I was so happy to bring you this news, cuz my family and I truly love that picture...well...I'm must say I'm a very sad little puggie now, because I just finished scrolling down your blog entries and noticed all the replies about the comical towel snood and most of your friends said my Gramma-Joan is rude. She's not rude, I love her and it was so nice watching her get a big smile on her face each and every time she looks at your towel snood picture. Can you do me a favor, will you let your friends know that she titled your photo comical because to her it truly makes her heart smile? Well, I better go for now...***walking away with her curly tail down***
The Sad Little Puggie - Skippy
Oh Goodness Me! Talk about total embarrassment...yep that's right...now that it is morning and not the wee hours of the day, I re-read that blog entry...they weren't talking about Gramma-Joan! HOORAY!!! What a reading mistake I made! Well this 12 year old Puggie definitely is making an appointment with the eye doctor!
***Walking away with Curly tail wagging***
Puggie Hugs,
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