I am suffering from a severe case of the Stir Crazies. I haven't been able to leave this wee apartment for a good romp in AGES - all I get to do is hop outside and do my Good Boy, then it's right back indoors and back to my cell... er... apartment. We do not live in a big place, so it really doesn't give me much room to roam and play like a loony bum. I NEED to roam and play like a loony bum! All this energy is cooped up inside and it's driving me nuts. And speaking of nuts - if I see another peanut butter puzzle treat I think I'm going to scream. I want to RUN!! Treats just don't cut it anymore!
I've been looking for things to keep myself busy, and have been fairly successful. So far I've:
-eaten portions of dad's baseball glove
-chewed the thumb off 2 sets of winter gloves
-buried a virtual treasure trove of bits from garbage raids in my crate blankies for my enjoyment during the night
-broken the kitchen garbage can (locks are no match for Stanislaw) so I could get bits to hide in my crate blankies
-weebled on my sweatshirt
-poobled in the hallway outside our apartment
-poobled in the hallway outside our apartment
-poobled in the hallway outside our apartment
-no that was not a type-o
-chewed mom's sweatshirt
Today is young. There's so much more damage I can do! But for now, it's nappies time. It makes the days go by faster as I wait for Spring to arrive and bring my early morning Fast Hunts back. I miss RUNNING like a BEAST!
Why are we in lock-down, you ask? Well, it's a little chilly outside. So chilly, in fact, that Big Pupi and I are forced to take our nappies snugged together for warmth. How did I get the butt end of this deal?
I mean, it's REALLY chilly outside. The kind of chilly that freezes your schozzle solid and leaves you unable to sniff. My ears go numb. My dewclaws scream for warmth. Today, the temperatures look a bit like this:
And because of those evil numbers mom doesn't let us outside to play. No fair! Oh my... I'm taken over by boredom! I'm so bored I think I'll... nap. So the Naughties can wait for later. Right now I'm trying to get all the body heat I can find, and if I happen to find it snugged up tight to my dorkus brother's butt, then so be it.
But man... when I wake up I'm going to be BORED!!
Did I mention that I'm bored?
7 hours ago
We've got extra dog beds, sofas and cozy crates waiting for you Stan & Pupi. Ms. Alpha is a real brick when it comes to braving the elements...but I think she might draw the line at Chicago-style temperatures.
Check out my post today. I've posted some Crappy Indoor Fun Ideas. I didn't mention the Throw the Ball Up A Stairway game. That works to tire me out and might help with your boredom. Maybe your Humans can take over a stairwell and get your little hearts pumping a bit. Also, small jumps are good. Ms. A. sets up the hula hoop in a doorway so the only way I can get to a treat is to jump through it.
Anyway, I hear you about the peanut butter puzzles. Remember...a tired dog is a Good Dog. Practice your Sad Eyes to get what you want.
OMG we SOOOO hear you, Stan and Big Pupi! It was minus 5 at our house this morning and mom won't let us go out either! This is day 3 of no walkies! We're going to get fat and lazy if these temps continue too much longer! Pray for warmth!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I feel ya. Its been pretty nippy in Washington D.C. (today its 1 degree with the wind) and my walkies have been unsatisfactory.
Ella Bean is shivering indoors, even wearing her silly looking sweatshirt and constantly trying to snuggle in MY snuggly spaces.
I complain, but I went out this morning to do my Good Boy and was too cold to get it all out. So I did some Bad Boy on the carpet.
Even Ella Bean, who doesn't really care as much about her walkies has been uber destructive. Last night she ate the cover of one of Mom's books.
I am going to take your advice and try and sleep this out...
Your pal,
Sorry to hear that the both of you are freezing your bums off in Chicago. I haven't been able to go out as often as I'd want to either, but not because of it being too cold. It never gets that cold in the Azores, but since we're in the middle of the Atlantic the wind can be terrible. Yesterday I went for my afternoon pee pee break and nearly got blown away! My ears were flapping everywhere and even my mom was walking at a 45 degree angle back home. I hope spring comes quickly for the both of us!
I'm glad you're finding a few things to do to break up the monotony, Stanislaw, cause you sure can't go outside in this weather. Good for you to have the sense to potty in the house!
I'm still going potty OUTSIDE, but yesterday my feet literally froze to the sidewalk and I had to be picked up and carried back into the house.
This just isn't right.
It's cold like that here too. and I do not get to play outside either. bored is not even where to begin.
My goodness, I can't remember the last time I "did my bidness" outside.... The good thing is, my girl feels so sorry for my bony naked butt that she doesn't even scold me too much! It got up to 9 today, though - HEAT WAVE!
Hi, Stan!
I can see you found something interesting to do inside your house!
But, like you said the best are the naps. Times goes faster!
Kisses and hugs
II feel for you guys. If I couldn't get enough exercise I am sure I would be a pain in the neck. Hope it warms up soon so that you can run your legs off.
Your friend,
So sorry to hear that it's so cold over your way! We feel for you!
We wanted to say a big thank you for stopping by our blog after we lost our beloved Sen-Chan and leaving such a nice comment.
Tom, Tama-Chan and #1
poor Stanislaw and Pupi. those cold numbers are - wow! - brrrr - really really cold. we have never felt that kind of cold before so we don't even know, but we think it's very very cold. being bored is no fun at all, but you two do look very cute all snuggled up together like that. it sounds like you are getting in some naughties, which is important. good luck on finding more mischief to get into! we feel your pain - we are denied our fabulous dog park romps because of Bailey's leg. oh woof, when will this ever end???!!!
OMG WE SOO SO SOOO HEAR YA!! It is the same here...We only go out for a little while.2 days ago we went out and came back in and pooped..welll who wants to do it outdside??TOO COLD...We wish you lived near us and we could play...Love A+A
Hello Stanislaw !
Thank you for visiting our blog.
Yes we are "Barfers"...and we love it. I (Faya) eat barf since I am 1 year old (I will be 3 in march). When I was younger I had a lot of troubles with dog food. But now I enjoy everything I eat. And little Dyos eats barf since he received his new teeth (3 month ago...). Voilà....bon appétit !
Kisses, Faya & Dyos
Stanislaw ! It is me again ! I forgot to ask you what kind of yoghurt you receive (the one with cream on top) ? Is it nature or with flavour ? How does it counts ? It replace the cottage ?... Or it is only an extra like a goodie ?
Kisses, Faya
Hi Stanislaw, it's nice to meet you....infact I think we've been to look at your bloggy before, cos we're on a raw diet too....we love it!
We'll come back soon :o)
Slobbers xx
Good job creating your own fun in the house, BUT I hope for your sake, and your humans, you get to go back outside again soon.
Gee Stan...thanks fer the words of wisdom on the loss of my bits and fer stoppin' by....yep we're bored too 'n even though we have a back yard ta play in the weather has been much too cold ta use it fer much more than elimination.....'n taday it's snowin' again.....
Gee, will Spring ever arrive????
It seems like ya like ta destroy things a bit....we do that ta our toys....thankfully not ta Gram 'n Pap's stuff.....oh and be careful with the peanut butter treats...there's a problem with peanut butter right now...is anything safe ta eat anymore other than glove fingers ???
Dewey Dewster here....
I've got the Big Guy in my sights now. Fenway is ever vigilant.
Check this footage out, Stan & Pupi. You will howl. And you thought you were being bored and naughty...
that sounds really boring! I'm amazed at your pooble efforts though! That's a fine way to get attention. Last night I took my flokati bed in the bedroom - it is 5 feet by 7 feet - and rumpled it all up and moved it around like it was a towel. My humans didn't seem to notice it. So I went back to banging my bowl for meat. Whatever works, dude.
That WAS an evil number! It NEVER gets that cold here. You two look cute all cuddled up like that.
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