Big Pupi talks about poking and prodding:
Aloha beasts and beastettes. Stan and I have survived our visits to the Place of Tile and Steel!
I went on Tuesday and spent much of my time in the waiting room tempting strangers to rub my belly by putting on little shows and dancing for them. These displays always left my belly strategically close and exposed by their feet. I was a pro. My tum was so happy! Then I flirted with the nice vet tech that brought us into a room. Happy! But all this changed at the turn of a door knob, when my vet walked into the room. My good ol' wiggle tail ran hiding under my bum and I skittered off to shove my body under a chair. And that was all before she even acknowledged me! NOT happy. The first and last time I saw this vet was 6 months ago for that evil weeble infection, and I remembered her well. She's mean to my man parts!
I crammed my body behind mom's legs and refused to eat any treats from the nice lady doctor's hand. I licked my lips over and over and when she came close I tried to lick her face to appease her and keep her away from my manliness. It didn't work! But it wasn't so bad this time... she pet me all over and gave me tasty niblets. She peeked into my ears without that scopey thing and rubbed my belly. I have to admit... if we weren't in that Room of Scary Things I probably would have dug it. Then I was taken into the back room and some other humans stole my blood for tests and I went home. It was a really nice day and we rode with the windows open (I wear a seat belt to prevent window escapes and other accidents) and the smells of the springtime outdoors were delicious!
Yesterday, it was Stanislaw's turn for his visit.He drooled with nausea the whole way there, but forgot about the puke-mobile when he got to play with an awesome dog dude called Jack Russell (popular name!) in the waiting room. When it was his turn to meet the doctor he was super pumped for the attention and kissed her face and grunted like a wild man. She scooped him up in her arms and plopped him on the examination table. Stan cocked his head back and forth while she prepared her tools and it made her laugh. It's really not his smartest look. Nice Doctor Lady gave him a quick once-over, and then she and mom talked about something that had been scaring my folks for a few weeks now.
Stan has always had a tongue spot. One single round black spot on the back of his feasting tool. It was one spot in February. Then it was two spots in March. Normally this is not a good sign. Black skin marks aren't supposed to grow or spread or multiply rapidly. In fact, tongue spots are not supposed to be doing anything at all aside for hanging out and tasting feasts. And Stan's spot had grown bigger and sprouted itself a little friend. Uh oh. My folks were freaked. Thinking the worst mom held her breath while Nice Doctor opened Stanley's schnozzle as wide as it would go. Stan fought, and Doctor looked. But... all that worry was for nothing. Doctor said that all of Stan's gums were dappled and freckled, and pigmentation change like this in a young dog probably just means he's getting more freckles. In fact, Nice Doctor bet that if we were to shave Stan's fur off we'd find entire sections of his body spotted black and grey. Stan was intrigued at this mention of absolute nudity. He thought of cool spring breezes blowing past his leg pits. Fresh air dancing on his bare jowels and exposed toe webbing. He looked at mom with begging eyes, hoping for nakeyness unlike any nakeyness he's known before. It would all be in the name of science, after all. Mom took one look at Stan and said, "No way, Mr. Bean Butt." Stan still has his fur.
And as for me,I got some pretty tasty news from Nice Doctor. Yesterday my blood panel results came in. It's been a year since I was last checked for kidney function and I am so very pleased to say that all came back with perfect numbers! My BUN was 25 mg/dl on a scale of 7-27, and more importantly my creatinine came back with a 0.9 mg/dl on a scale of 0.4-1.8. There has been no change in the past year and my creatinine has stayed super low! That's really big news because that used to be the reading that caused all the worry and forced me to return to the Place of Tile and Steel for frequent blood tests for years. Woohoo! Hoorah for the raw diet!
And to top it all off, the vet declared Stanislaw's weight to be IDEAL for the first time ever. Sure, he looks like a skinny noodle boy, but his shoulders and hinders keep good muscle and he actually has a tiny layer of fat and muscle over his ribs. Go Stan! All that feasting has done him some good! Nice Doctor also said that she's impressed at how long we've gone without ear infections and despite the fact that mom never cleans our floppies they're sweet smelling. Our teethers are pearly, eyes are bright and our breath stinks of meaty feasts. Ah yes. All is as it should be.
Now all we need to wait for is our titer test results which come in a few weeks. And dinner. We wait for dinner all day.
Happy Friday folks! Wish me luck at the Pet Expo tomorrow!
Big Pupi
3 hours ago
Ohhh, that's great news to hear you've both got the clean bill of health!
We agrees that V-E-Ts should be confined in room of scary things unfortunately at Dog Woods, the V-E-T visits US (a visit we could definitely do without!) with SCARY THINGS! :P No sanctuary!!
Licks and Wags,
TUffy and the Dog WOods Pack
We don't think vets are so bad... We love our vets!
Glad to hear you are both looking healthy! I love trips to the vet, all the fun new smells and other dogs and tasty treats! What does the doctor think about your raw feasting lifestyle?
Our vet is really good! Well done on the clean bill of health.
You can't do any better than perfect! We're so glad that you're in top physical condition!
Good luck at the pet expo tomorrow, Big Pupi!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Stan and BigPuppy
I'm exstatic to heaw the newses fwom youw dogtow!!! You'
W Mom must feel gweat that she has kept you so supew healthy..I know you always look gweat, but having it confiwmed suwe is nice..I hope dinnew came and was as wondewful as evew
smoochie kisses
great news being healthy. I love my vet, she's always giving me treats and rubs and kisses too !!!! She's taken very very good care of me.
enjoy the pet expo
(PS finally got my own e-mail !!!)
What a great report!
Tank woo furry much fur sharing all the fun and the great results!
Have fun this weekend!
We are spotty under our hairs too, Dad calls them MUTANT SPOTS. Great news on the blood results buddy, looks like that diet is doing great things for you.
Oh you guys we are sooo happy for you!!!(although we were a little nervous about the tongue spot thing...) Yippee! Celebrate!! Love and kisses A+A
Hi, Big Pupi!
Sure is nice to know you two are healthy healthy!
Good luck at the Pet Expo!
Kisses and hugs
You guys had a super rockin' vet report!
My vet appointment is due this month and I don't like her because she squeezes my butt too hard!
PS: Mom says your mom really needs to write a human pups book based on you two dudes' adventures. Your mom has quite the way with words.
I will even let you borrow Paris for as long as you need if your mom needs some more cocker inspiration!
Stan and Big Pupi, congratulations on doing so well on your raw diet. I hope the Pet Expo goes well.
Hi Stan and Big Pupi!
I am happy to hear you are healthy!
Oh Stani, I wish they would have shaved off all your furryness. It's quite fun in the summer time (apart from the whole sunscreen thing) although it's not nearly as much fun in the winter....
I'm so glad to hear you guys are happy and healthy!!!
PS - my vet'narin is a vampire too... always stealing my blood! And my girl pays him to do it! What's up with humans? Haven't they seen the movies?! It's not a good thing to have a run-in with a vampire!!!
I'm so glad to hear that the both of you got a clean bill of health! I've got a little black freckle inside my bottom jaw so my mom will make sure to keep it monitored. Next month I've got to go to the vets for my annual check up. I hope my results are as good as yours!
OMD Pupi! I have a mohawk like you - - - except mine is ALL THE WAY DOWN MY BACK!!! It's wicked awesome! Come check it out!
How did the Pet Expo go?!
I'm glad you guys got a good report from Nice Doctor. And freckles are fun! I have a few myself on my tummy.
Way to go, Stan Man. A good report means no extra visits to the Place of Tile & Steel!
So...how was Pet Idol, 'er, I mean Pet Expo?
My Alphas are finally back home where they belong, so now I can BLOG, BLOG, BLOG! So much to catch up on...
Your pal, Fenway
You guys are free from any problems! That's good.
Belly jiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey, boys!
We LOVE reading all about your adventures in Chi-town, hearing about you beasts and your feasts. We're getting kinda funky smelling around here too, but my girl will NOT get me in the home tub. No siree. (It became an issue before she adopted me and no amount of training will get me in the tub). So we have to go to a professional place to use the tub or wait until it's warm enough outside to hose me down. You two are lookin' fine, by the way, and I mean F-I-N-E!
Glad the visits to the land of tile & steel went so well. Vets need love too, Pupi!
Hope the pet Expo went well. Can't wait to hear about your last therapy visit!
Goober love & meaty smooches,
Hi guys! So happy to hear your good news from the vet. Crossing my paws for good results from your titer test...
My blog is gone now, but I will be back soon and I will let you know where to find me.
Love Clover xo
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