Big Pupi takes it over today:
Oh my feasting dudes. Stan and I went to camp this weekend because our humans were in a place called Rhode Island doing something called Wedding Planning. Boring! I'd WAAAY rather be partying like a beast at camp! But when Stanislaw and I got home we were crazy tired, and we spent the next day or two like this:Whew! Plus, on the day that we're picked up from camp Stan and I go to the groomer to be bathed and brushed, which means that we have to miss daily nappies time. I was so exhausted and desperate for a bed, I wound up passing out in mom's suitcase:
And mom wasn't able to unpack until I woke up. (Let sleeping dogs lie and all that.) Stan likewise was limp as a noodle with the need for sleepies, and in a manor usually unlike him, he napped with his belly exposed to the world.
Sure, the groin is often exposed, but it is only when Stan is completely over the top tired that the belly will go without protection unless he's safe within his crate.
In fact, it took Stan over a year with our people before he would ask or allow belly rubs, let alone nap with the sensitive parts for all the world to see.
Stan has been making some major strides lately with regard to the fight with his demons. But with every step forward there seems to be two steps back. Last night, and for the very first time ever, he had the worst fear reaction we have ever seen in our home. Mom was cooking dinner for the humans (and baking meaty muffins for us canines) when the feasts made a really loud sizzle sound. Stan has always been fearful of the oven but those reactions have lessened to the point that he'll remain in the area as long as food is around. But the very moment the sizzle sound happened, he ran into a dark room and hid for a few minutes, then came bursting from that room and onto mom's lap on the sofa. He was shaking so violently that mom could barely hold onto him and she laid him on his side thinking he was having a seizure. His convulsions continued but he was aware of his surroundings, which would indicate that it was not actually a seizure. He tried to climb into her lap but was shaking too violently to coordinate his movements. Mom snatched him up and hugged his body and grasped his limbs in so tightly that she thought he wouldn't be able to breath, but within moments his shivering stopped and he calmed down.
My poor brother. For almost an hour afterward he couldn't stand to be out of mom's lap (dad wasn't home because of his night school, but we're almost certain dad would have been more of a comfort as he is the favorite). Mom held Stan on her hip like a person would a child and walked him towards the stove where the meaty muffins were cooling. He began convulsing again, but mom held on super tight and fed him tasty niblets of warm meatiness and his bite grew gentler and the shaking lessened. He fought to be put on the floor and he was let down, but he stayed within 4 feet of the oven and continued to gently take treats and acted happy but concerned. He panted heavily but was otherwise recovering.
Once the muffins were packed and the pans cleaned, Stanislaw was pretty much back to normal. He placed himself on his favorite cool spot on the floor and napped - no belly or groin exposed this time. But there was no shaking and his breathing was relaxed. When mom moved into the office he followed but acted normally, and did nappies a few feet away either stretched out all long and beastly or pressed against the cool meat locker. He seemed alert, tired, and just fine.So that poor boy (who is normally my stinky brother) seems to have beaten his demons for now. Whatever that sizzle noise was it is gone and so is our shock from witnessing such an event. Perhaps the stress of the kennel and the car ride, which Stan HATES, just put him over the edge. Mom will give him another day's rest before attempting any outdoor activities again.
And there will not be any sizzle sounds for a long, long time if she can help it. No more sizzle sounds at all!
We shall fight the demons as long as it takes,
Big Pupi
3 hours ago
Poor Stan! Those humans do some crazy things and can make some crazy noises. :( Rest up and get ready to face another day.
- Daphne and Pruett
My little heart broke to read about Stan's battle with his demons. Poor, poor Stanie. We think your mom did the right thing by holding on to him VERY, VERY tightly. In fact, Ms. Alpha has been studying up on T-Touch for soothing excitable animals (could she mean me???). The T-Touch regime sells a body wrap for dogs who are orally sensitive...especially thunder and things like that. You can even use a t-shirt and secure it tightly around Stan's tummy.
Ms. Alpha sympathizes completely. Logo, her old border collie simply freaked at the sound of a sizzling frying pan. This started when he was an adult, too. He was a smart dog, and knew that whenever the big cast iron pan came off the shelf, it was best he head upstairs for some Under The Bed Time. Just the mere sight of it would be enough for Logo to run to a small dark place.
So, it's very curious, isn't it? Why on earth sizzling sounds? Did Logo and does Stan think there's a rattle snake loose on the premises?
I am glad you are a kind dog, Pupi. Please help soothe your brother. He has had a lot of interruption to his routine!
Awww, Poor Stanislaw! I would have given him puppy kisses till he felt better. Next time, tell him to call me and i'll come fight off those horribel sounds in the kitchen!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco - The Princess
I think THAT is a furry special way to sleep and be khomfy!
Paws khrossed the demons stay away!
Khute suitkhase khontents too!
I guess Outback Steak House is not in your near future, Stan. There's lots of sizzly plates in that place! We have no words of wisdom for your mom and pop, but can totally relate to having things, ordinary things, scare us. Stay brave pups!
Shelly & Tommy
Poor Stanislaw! That was a horrible experience! I'm so glad your mom was there to comfort you and that she's going to keep things from sizzling around you house from now on.
Om my dogness, that is just terrible! I am wondering if the sizzling noise didn't remind our Stani of something that may have happened in his past. Poor fellow. I am just glad he is okay now. The kitchen is may fave place to be. Mom always drops something as she cooks and guess who is always there to catch it?
hi Big Pupi, thanks for that story about Stanislaw. it's sad to be so afraid of noises and stuff. Benson is a scardey pup too and he hides under the bed. he has finally, after a year and a half, stopped sleeping under the bed and in a normal dog bed.
we hope that Stan can get over his scaredyness. it's not good to be so afraid and to have such violent reactions. poor little Stanislaw. we wish we were there to play with you both.
OMG, poor Stan! Thank doG your mom was there to squeeze you tight! We hope you don't hear another sizzling noise for a long, long time!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Aw, Big Puppi. That was very upsetting to read of poor Stanni being so frightened.Mom must have been frightened too. I hope he gets over it, sounds like you are doing your best to help him too.
Wags, Eric xx
Oh dear oh dear PL2 has leaky eyes after reading this because this is what we are going through with Archie(started with the snow plow remember?) It is AWFULL to see them so scared..............but we are glad he felt better the next day....It really is demons isn't it.......HUGE HUGS AND KISSES A+A
Poor Stan, we are so sorry to hear about the scary sizzle noise! glad that he is ok now, take care of him!
I am so glad that you have recovered from the evil sizzling noise. What a bad time you had.
Big Pupi - why don't you make that suitcase into your bed from now on. Then your people will have to take you guys on their next trip.
Your friend,
Whoa...that sizzle sound sounds very nasty indeed! But it's good to hear Stan's won over that demon! Good job!
Sizzle sounds are scary... You doggies look cute napping
~ Bae
Hey, Big Pupi!
Thanks for filling us in on Stan's scoop. He's been making such good progress lately, I bet it's the fact that he was so worn out and had had some big changes in his routine that helped encourage the fear along.
Your mama seems to know just what Stan needed so he recovered pretty quickly. We're checking into T-touch and the t-shirt/comfort shirt deal too for my bug phobia. We shall see.
Goober love & smooches to all of you,
Hi, you sleep like our cat does: on the suitcase. She loves that place and it's her bed now.
Oh poor Stan!
We hope no more sizzle-frizzle demons for you -- period! You must have thank the Lord that M was with you & thou she got worried too, she was still calm & able to give you a tight hug!
Calming hearts,
Rudolf & Goofy
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