Friday, July 4, 2008

Raw Food Diet, Day 158- Red, White and Dogs

Today, Joey Chestnut defeated the legendary Takeru Kobayashi in the annual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest.  At the end of the 10-minute regulation eating period, Chestnut and Kobayashi were tied at 59 dogs.  Chestnut went on to take the title in the 5-dog overtime eat-off.  After watching this, I came to the conclusion that I wouldn't mind moving in with either Kobayashi or Chestnut.  My humans could never eat 59 hot dogs in 10 minutes and in my opinion that makes them pretty lame.  

As for Mr. Chestnut... well, I think I could take him.  I'd at least have a great time trying.  Maybe since I'm just a 20-pound pup I could team up with my hot dog loving brother, Big Pupi, and together we could challenge Chestnut to some real competition. 
What a great way to celebrate our country's birthday!  Feasting has always had an important role in our favorite holidays, and it will always hold a very special place in my hungry little heart.  So here's to the red, white and dogs!

Let's feast!


Dandy Duke said...

We were just at Bogie's and he was watching the same eating contest! hummmmmmmmm, I'm not sure about 59 hotdogs! Those poor guys must be feeling a little bit ill, don'tcha think?!
Hope you're having an awesome 4th!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Bogart H. Devil said...

Hehehe... it was a great contest, wasn't it? I was on the edge of my seat...

Hope you had a great 4th - that hot dog looks SCRUMPTIOUS!


Amber-Mae said...

Woah, I'm just drooling looking at that fat hotdog! 59 hotdogs? I think I can do it!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Petra said...

Yes, I think you should challenge Chestnut and let us cheer you on!

Man, does that red and white dog look good!

Lacy said...

hmmm i think me cood eat 59 hot dogs...thanks fur visitin my bloggie, its nice to meet u...

b safe,

pp's hope u had a happy 4th...

Niamh said...

59 hot dogs is my idea of heaven. I'd love to enter a contest like that as I am known as a pretty fast eater. I stole a loaf of bread once and ate the whole thing.

Your friend,

Anonymous said...

Hi Stani!

Hope your fourth was as awesome as mine! Now, I know what skysplosions are! I don't like them.

However, the humans took us someplace new and magical with freezers full of raw meat, toys and treats. There was fresh frozen tripe, meaty, delicious, fresh grinds of all kinds and more. We returned home with a fraction of the stuff Louis and I were howling for, but the people made up for it with a chewy fresh tripey dinner. Now we will never go back to the canned!

Also, I learned about the thrashing that you and Big Pupi engage in. We also came home with some new stuffies and Louis took the biggest one and started shaking it madly. I assume this to be the tender, loving thrash of which you speak.

Gotta go - I hear the freezer opening!


Ella Bean

andrahyb said...

Oooh! We watched it on the news too! Unfortunately, its only an excerpt, sigh!

59 hotdogs...
We think we can too!

Let's all team up & challenge Mr. Chesnut, shall we?

Who knows the prize is FREE nathan's hotdogs for the rest of our life? Yippeee!!!

All ready,
Rudolf & Goofy

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That looks very yummy and what a pawsome way to celebrate 4th of July

~ Girl girl