Friday, July 18, 2008

Raw Food Diet, Day 172- Feasts, Friends, Friday

Today is the day after some major partying at the bark park and boy are Pupi and I suffering from dog park hangovers.  
We exploded out of our crates as usual, gave our neighbor mini schnauzer Riley an enthusiastic "hello!", did our weebles and poobles in the Good Boy spot and then feasted on some crunchy chicken necks for breakfast.  Then we passed out.  Normal mornings include a post-feast thrashing of SingingChristmasTreeMouseToy by Big Pupi, while I play bow and yip at him, spinning and crashing into him with my bum.  Nope.  Not this morning.  We're just too tired.  I didn't even have it in me to beg for a chunk of mom's breakfast banana (which I'm no longer allowed to have since my little banana-induced episode).  Today will be a relaxing day.
Later mom will take Big Pupi and me for a little walk down to our local Place of Toys and Feasts to pick up some pre-made raw food.  She didn't get enough last time we went.  Oops!  We don't usually feast on pre-made raw, but we're going away for a few days and it's way easier for traveling.  We'll be gone starting tomorrow through next Tuesday, and that means no blogging while away.  Sorry guys!  I'm sure we'll have lots to say and loads to catch up on when we return.

In other news, there's this little game of meat locker tag going around and I've been tagged by Beckett.  Game rules say that we must post a photo of the front of our meat locker, and write about one thing you keep on it and one thing that's kept inside.

Well, Big Pupi and I happen to be very lucky pups and we have a meat locker of our very own!  Our humans have the one in the kitchen with all the stupid stuff stuck to the front of it and all the stinky stuff (like lettuce and pickles) inside of it.  Pupi and I like to keep our locker in slick feasting shape and packed to the brim with canine-appropriate deliciousness.  One thing we keep on it would be Big Pupi's paws.  He always has to stand up against the meat locker and wedge his schnozzle in the crack where the door opens.  Smells like feasting!The reason we have our very own meat locker is because our people like to save cheese money and that means they have to buy our meat in bulk from co-ops... so we wind up with shipments of 80+ lbs of feasting supplies about 4 times a year.  Our folks need to keep it fresh and frozen and their teeny weeny freezer just won't do!

As for what's inside of our meat locker...
Meat!  Of course!  And a frozen container of canned pumpkin (for use if our tummies ever get sad), some frozen batches of veggie mush (mom makes many months'-worth in one go), our moo tube treats and marrow bones.  See those baggies of chicken necks in the basket?  Yum!

I need to tag other folks, and I want to see what's in the meat lockers of Rudolph & Goofy, Petey, and my lovely Paris.

Finally, I'd like to thank Petra for giving me this award!  And now I must follow these rules (by Arte-y-Pico) and pass it on...

1.  You must pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award for creativity, design, interesting material and which contribute to the blogger community.
2.  Post the names and links of the award recipients.
3.  Each winner should post the award and link to the blog that has recognized them.
4.  Link to the Arte-y-Pico blog so everyone knows where the award originated.

Alrighty, here goes - I pass this award along to Fenway, Beckett, my brother Big Pupi, Rudolph & Goofy, and Mack & Paris.  Sorry for the doubling-up on there guys!  But what can I say... I think you're fabulous!

We'll miss you folks while we're away.  Have a delicious weekend and we'll see you on Wednesday!

Have feasts, will travel.


Petra said...

You very own ice box filled with your favorite foods; you guys have it made!

Stay cool and enjoy your time away. I'll be waiting to hear about your adventures when you get back!

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Wow...a whole meat locker all to yourselves! You guys are sooo lucky!

Thank you for the comment on my blog. I'm asking Mom to do more research on the BARF diet. She says she'll probably start me slowly, like trying out some chicken wings first together with some kibble in case my tummy can't take it. She said when I was little, I had a very sensitive stomach, so...we'll see how it goes. No word yet on WHEN exactly we're starting it though(I'm so bummed on it!) coz she said she needs more reading and convincing. *sigh*

I'M keeping up the good faith though! I would so love to get my chomps on some real meat...yum yum! Looking at your meat locker makes me more motivated than ever!


Hero said...

You and Big Pupi are so lucky to have a freezer all to yourselves! All of my meat is stored in the human's freezer with all these other strange and nasty smelling food. Have fun on your trip and can't wait to read all about your adventures when you get back!

Unknown said...

Hi Stan and Big Pupi!

Wow! Your very own meat locker! You guys have it made. We'll be sure to include my rinkydinky fridge in the next post. And I'll promise you now, it's not nearly as enticing as yours!

Have a great time on your holiday! Since Mommy's got her bum leg, I've been going on great adventures with my pal Liola who's 7 and visiting her grandparents. (Much more fun than hanging in the stuffy apartment watching Mom write marketing copy.)

Your pal,


Clover said...

Hi Stani!
Have a fun time on vacation! Good thing you got nice and rested up for it.
I LOVE the picture of you in the last post, watching TV. :)
Love Clover xo

Renna the Princess Puppy said...

Wow your own icebox! To cool! Maybe I'll get one someday! I'm gonna put you on my linky too! Yea I have more puppy friends!!

slobber licks

Dandy Duke said...

You guys are very lucky to have your own meat locker! If we did we would stock ours with ice cream and pizza!
Have a wonderful vacation! We'll miss you lots!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

Your cold box is cool! Got lotsa raw meatables all packed ready for you. Congrats on your award!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Mack said...

Thanks for the award sweetness!
Please hurry back cause I am gonna miss you when you are gone!


Niamh said...

Playing with your friends is so exhausting I can see why you guys need a lot of rest. I wish I had my own freezer to myself like you boys. Looks like it is filled with lots of delicious food.

Have fun on your trip.

Your friend,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh your meat locker is so pawsome..

~ Girl girl

andrahyb said...

We're always so jealous of your coolbox!!! We're insisting Mummy to get one, a small one is better than never.

As for the bad poop, we've added probiotics & its still not working well. Sigh, nonetheless M will continue to monitor the poop status!

By the way, enjoy ya holidays!

Rudolf & Goofy

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hi Stan!

Thank you for the comment. I will ask Mom to read more about mixing kibble with meat. I don't really mind getting all meat at one go, but Mom is scared...haha! Thanks for the guidance and links...they really help a lot. Mom says she will be reading more on it, and trying to see if she can find enzymes and those extras here in Malaysia. Apparently it can be quite difficult, but she'll look into it. Thanks again!


Agatha and Archie said...

Oh boy,now you've done it..PL1+2 are always discussing whether to get a little frig for they will have too since you guys have one!!! Just an FYI.Big Poppi made a home run in the minor leagues( it was a sell out crowd,bigger than they have ever had beause of him!!!) So I guess he feels better!! YIPPEE!!) LOve and kisses A+A

Charlie Daniels said...

Congrats for your award and have fun while you are away!



Ben & Darling said...

Hi Stan & Big Pupi. Im BenBen and found your blog thru Rudolf & Goofy. Guess what? I think you guys are cool coz you have the coolest banner!!! OMdoG, putting a rawmeat as your header, its soooooooooo cool and I hope my hooman feed me BARF every day too.

slurpy licks,

Fenway said...

You are officially tagged for ANOTHER award!

Check out my blog to see!!!

Happy chomping,

Charlie Daniels said...

Hi Again!

I have something for you. Please come and visit me soon!

