Friday, September 12, 2008

Raw Food Diet, Day 227- Mental Marathon

Hi folks!

Sorry I've been MIA (Meat In Action) for the past few days.  I haven't been able to update you on my super exciting feasting times as much as I'd like to!   Things around here have been busy, with my folks working to earn the cheese money and such.  All the hustle and bustle has made me need my snoozels.

This morning followed suit and it was action-packed.  We tried to beat the rain and ran as quickly as our little legs could take us during our AM fast hunt.  Pupi and I ran side-by-side like we were racing in the Iditarod and zoomed our way through downtown.  On our way we met Miss Pit Bull who had a black spot over her eye just like Big Pupi!  I stood on my very tip toes to give her ears a good sniff and she was super nice.  Then we bumped into 2 beagles who were also super cool.  One was this sweet red-roan type of color and I've never sniffed a beagle like that before!  

Continuing on our way, mom was afraid that we'd wind up too far away from home when the skies opened up so we only went a mile down the road to the bark park.  As suspected, we had it all to ourselves and the kiddie pool was mine... ALL mine!  Well, okay.  I did let Big Pupi in it sometimes.  We practiced some obedience and worked on our recalls at the park, then headed home with empty bellies just growling and demanding meaty feasts.  I chucked down a few chicken necks and some yogurt and thrashed my birthday goose stuffy.  Mom hopped into the Place of Cleanliness and afterwards, when she was using the hot-air-blowing-thing on her fur, she used it on mine!  I LOVE it when that blowing thing breathes its hot breath on my belly!  Big Pupi and I pushed and shoved each other to get at the toasty air.  That was just icing on the cake.  It was a good morning.

I'm super duper hoping that this stinky poo-face rain goes away for the weekend.  I heard dad mention something about not having a ton of homework this time and so we may be able to get out and about the city for an afternoon.  My toes are crossed!  In the mean time, I'm going to go stare at mom while she works and whine softly.  Maybe that'll get me a bully stick.

Feast hard,



Big Pupi on being a therapist:

I've been thinking so hard lately that it's been fertilizing my mohawk.  It's been growing like a weed on my head and my humans are curious to find out how crazy my cranium fur will actually get.  All they have to go on is my shelter photo, but I was so matted it's tough to tell.  If I keep using my brain power like I have been lately, I should be able to braid my 'hawk in no time! 

After much, much help and advice from Niamh's mom, I've decided to postpone my November 8th test date and sign up for classes to help me with my therapy dog certification.  I've been doing really well on my own, but I could use the extra stimulation and excitement that are part of classroom learning to really kick my manners into high gear.  We've been focusing on my response to verbal commands, as most of what I know now is based on hand signals.  I know "sit," but "down" and most other tricks run off of motions my mom makes.  I'm fluent in body language because that's dog-speak!  Why do I need to know this blabbering human tongue?  People need to master the art of The Silent Conversation.  Seriously.  The only real verbal commands I understand are for agility, since I can't be watching my mom while I'm flying over jumps and through tunnels!

My first class is a week from Monday and I'm crazy excited!  The only set back is my appointment this afternoon at the Place of Tile and Steel to fill out my health certificate.  Turns out that since I had Bordatella the last time I was at the vet they won't complete the form without a quick check just to make sure I'm a-okay.  I'm all for being careful, but I'm pretty sure this isn't necessary.  Please mom?  Can it not be necessary?  

So, someday in the sort-of near future I'm hoping to be either a Rainbow Animal Assisted Therapy dog or Delta Society pup.  Mom isn't sure which yet but is leaning towards Rainbow.  If anyone has any experience with either group please let us know what you thought of them!

Filling my brain, growing my mohawk,

Big Pupi


Fenway said...

I want to be either one of those types of Therapy Dogs, but can't decide which one. The Rainbow Clan sounds like a colorful, fun bunch, but the Delta Force sounds manly and beastly.

By the way, Stan has some lush mohawkish eyebrows! I love your topknot, dude. And yes, I loved that Feasting on Waves show. Mom is posting a movie of my latest exploit: and honest-to-god sea battle!

Your pal,

PS: The Sox relievers are stinking up the joint!!!

Dandy Duke said...

We can't wait to see your braided mohawk, Big Pupi!
You guys really don't mind hot aire blowing on you from the haire dryer? We run if we even see that contraption coming at us!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Asta said...

How wondewful to contemplate which kind of thewapy dog to be..I wish I could do that..I bet you'll be wondewful at it whichevew you choose!
Stanislaw..youw day sounds faboolous..meeting fwiends sniffing awound and then yumies when you get home..I bet youw haiw is supew silky and gowgeous aftew getting all floofed up
have a's going to be wainy hewe fowevew as faw as I can tell
smoochie kisses

Niamh said...

Glad you guys had a good time at the park today. You must be so brave to allow the hot-air-blowing thing to blow on you. I think ours is evil!

Big Pupi- you will have such fun at Theraoy dog school. You'll meet lots of nice dogs and learn cool things. And the amount of cheese you can score in an hour long class is amazing.

Your friend,

COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

My sister Katie wants to be a therapy dog. She only knows of the Delta Society, so she doesn't have much information.

I hate the hot air in my face thing. I growl, then cry until my mother stops it.

River said...

Nice that you got to go to the park. I'm not a fan of dryers. Good luck, big Pupi on passing therapy tests.

love & wags,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Sounds like you had fun in the morning Stanislaw.
Big Pupi will be a pawsome therapy doggie

~ Girl girl