Sunday, February 24, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 23- Gaining Some Weight
Friday, February 22, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 21- I Feast Hard and Play Hard
The last few days I have been feasting extremely hard on the goat and rabbit I got off the Internet. This raw meat deliciousness has made me so excited that I usually finish my feast in seconds and then try to steal my brother's share. I guess raw meat makes me brave. I even try to take my brother's toys if he's not looking and still eating. The problem is that he is the alpha and he beats me up. I just can't hold in my excitement when this raw meat is around. My brother almost bit my face off yesterday. He thrashed me pretty hard. I don't really care though. I feast hard and I play hard. I also rock hard. My dad got the new Rancid album today and I thrashed around with him to some sweet new tunes. I got so excited I attempted to steal his Subway pastrami and cheese sandwich off the table and got in trouble. My point is that I don't really care about the consequences- raw meat and Rancid, getting thrashed by my brother, getting put in time-out, ocassionally running into a door or choking on a bone- that's how I roll.
Feast hard,
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 19- My Meat is Here!
My brother turned into a wild animal when a gigantic piece of rabbit fell on the floor and my mommy took it out of his mouth. I went crazy when my mom pulled out a full rabbit for us to feast on... I mean like a whole rabbit that I see on the trail, just without skin or hair. The meaty deliciousness was cut into small RMB bits fit for a cocker spaniel. However, I thought I could handle the whole thing without a problem. Mom set aside some meat in a bowl to defrost for my brother and me to eat for dinner. It was the best feast of goat and ground rabbit that I have ever tasted. Or ever eaten.
Here's what the goat meat and bone pieces looked like. Some were good for eating already, while others had to be cut down to size. I watched the counter to see what was going on with my special meats, but my brother just stared at the ground waiting for things to fall. I guess his plan worked once, but he missed seeing all that tasty goat.
Dinner was so good I scarfed it down super fast. It tasted like I snuck up behind a goat and took a bite. I feel like a wild animal hunting down my nightly feasts and catching them in my bowl.
Dreaming of goaty feasts,
My humans took a new approach to meat storage this time around. They cut up all of the ground rabbit and tripe into small squares, and because it was still almost frozen when they were doing it, they could toss all of the pieces into containers and just put that in the freezer. This way they can adjust our feeding without taking baggies of meat apart, and they are able to weigh each piece until we have a full meal. I hope that makes it easier on them. I'm all for feasting efficiency.
My mom also suspects that I may be a little allergic to chicken. I've gotten pretty itchy lately. She's not sure if it's from the weather, dryness because of the heat, pollens... or maybe she was right when she thought that I might have an issue when I was eating dry kibble. Well, I'm going off all chicken for the next week or so to see if I improve. I'm in complete support of this experiment if it means that I get to keep eating goat, rabbit, pork, fish, tripe and beef. Regardless of whether or not my itchies go away from food, my tummy will be full and that's what I'm most concerned about!
Happy feasting!
Here's a little video of my brother and me going into a feasting frenzy at the smell of our ground green tripe. My humans covered their noses and kept gagging. I have no idea why it didn't make them salivate. The stinkyness drove us crazy!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 18- Stanislaw Isn't Speaking to Us
Our dad did not pay for overnight shipping on that goat meat he ordered, and so Stanislaw is not speaking to him... or any of us for that matter. He vented his frustrations on one of mom's good shoes this morning, but aside for that he's just been sulking. So today's blog will be short, sweet and goatless.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 17- President's Day Stinks
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 15- I Crunch Bones and Swallow Them
I've heard some humans say that they don't want to put their dogs on the BARF diet because they are afraid of the raw bones impairing digestion or creating a choking hazard. I can tell you that bones are no match for my ferocious teeth. I bite through chicken wings with incredible speed, suck down the marrow, and swallow the bits. In fact, last night my humans were having a hard time cutting the last turkey neck in half for my brother and me to share, so they gave my brother some ground raw turkey instead and I got to eat the whole neck myself. I crunched that bony feast in half like a cleaver and swallowed it. I have no idea what happens to the bones after I eat them, but I never see them again -- even when I do my business outside. The bottom line is that RMBs (Raw Meaty Bones) are not only safe, but delicious!
On an unrealated note, I'm still waiting for my goat meat to come in the mail. If I don't get it today, I'm going to get angry and probably bite the mailman in the bum because apparently raw meat doesn't come in the mail on Sundays, and it won't come this Monday because it's President's Day. That means I would have to wait until Tuesday to finally taste goat. This is unacceptable.

Sure, there are some human foods that are bad for a dog, some that are terrible, and others, like chocolate, that can even kill us. Our bodies are not able to metabolize certain spices and chemicals the same way as the human body can, and when you plan on tasting some human treats you need to make sure you're being smart about it. But let's face it: we're made to eat meats, and if these meats are human quality then they're going to be that much better for us. Our bodies need enzymes from fresh foods and nutrients from healthy sources. If anything, human food is better for us than our kibble! The only concern is that you're getting all of the nutrients that your body needs, but with a little research under their belt, your human can easily make it work for you. Humans need to learn how to share their food!
Perhaps the greatest concern about the raw diet comes from the bones in our meats. Humans have been told time and time again that bones can cause serious medical problems in a dog, and they can even kill us. This is true... if those bones are cooked. Dogs should NEVER eat cooked bones. But look at our teeth! We are not built to crunch down dry kibble and break down grains. We have no flat molars. Our mouths are designed to rip meat off bone and cut cartilage to little bits. Our natural digestive enzymes are specially tuned to breaking down these foods. However, unlike our humans, we lack the enzymes necessary to digest grains and break through the cell walls of plant matter. This is why many people that feed the raw diet choose not to give any grains and turn our vegetables into blended veggie mush, as this crushes the plant cellulose and releases the nutrients for us to absorb. We are carnivores, and meat is what we're made for!
Salmonella and E. coli are common words you'll hear your humans say. These bacteria can make a person very ill, and they are found in abundance in raw poultry and meats. While it is possible for a dog to become sick too, it is highly unlikely if our immune systems are working as they should. Part of the immune system is in the digestive system, and it is here that our bodies get rid of all that bacteria. You see, our stomach acidity is much much higher than that of a human, and so salmonella and those other yucky things just don't stand a chance. Also, as a carnivore, our digestive system is constructed differently than that of a herbivore or omnivore. Our digestive tract is very short and simple, and this prevents bacteria from having a chance to get out of control and cause problems. This also decreases our ability to digest plant matter and carbohydrates as discussed above.
If your human can't quite come to terms with the idea of bones or bacteria, tell them to think of the stuff we get into even when we're on a kibble diet! Some dogs eat their own feces, and that's just crawling with E. coli and other gross stuff. That has never made my brother sick! We also consume bits of our toys, fuzz, hair, and whatever that tasty thing was that I found outside while we were on a walk. Dogs have eaten socks, shoe leather, carpeting... and people are scared of bones? I'm not saying that you should ever eat a slipper, but our systems are just hardier than a person's. Plus, if bones are truly what's holding your person back, they can always crush or grind them for you. You'll be getting all of the nutrients with none of the worry.
What holds people back is the old way of thinking about doggy nutrition and needs. It's time to enter into the age of feasting! I am calling this the Year of the Chicken Wing. Happy feasting!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 13- Valentine's Day Edition
They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. That's why I am making raw femur bone my Valentine. I made a reservation for two in my feasting cage for dinner and boy was it romantic. I nibbled on raw femur bone's neck for a while and we had an amazing dinner. I was going to invite raw femur bone home into my crate, but I completely consumed her at dinner. No one said that love was easy.
Happy Valentine's Day,
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 12- I Need to Eat Some Goat
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 11- My Stinkhead is Gone
I'm kind of embarrassed to admit it, but I used to have this weird problem where my head stunk like a skunk and when humans pet me their hands smelled like it. Stinkhead really was a game-killer for me since my favorite thing after biting pigeons in the face is making new friends with humans. First I locate a human in the hallway, elevator, or outside. I then stare at the potential new friend and cry until they make eye-contact and pet me. I was always afraid that these new human friends of mine would notice my stinkhead residue on their hands and not want to pet me when they saw me again. But after a week and a half on the raw meat diet, I am proud to say that my stinkhead is gone! Thanks, BARF diet! Now I can make more friends and get more pets than ever! So here's some advice to my dogs out there that are self-conscious about their stinkhead:

Monday, February 11, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 10- My Dad is a Slow Poke
Now that I eat raw meat, I have become a stronger, more agile boy capable of snagging squirrels out of mid-air. But due to the fact that my dad is too slow, I haven't actually caught a squirrel yet. You see, every other day we go running around the lake and I am tethered to my slow daddy and his lack of speed prevents me from eating tasty wild animals. And the opportunities to feast on live creatures are aplenty.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 9- Crate Puking
Hey guys!

Saturday, February 9, 2008
Friday, February 8, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 7- I Know What is Meat
For your information mom, I know what is meat. In fact, I am an expert on meat. I eat and sleep meat. Chicken wings are meat, lamb is meat, oxtail is meat, and cheese is meat. Pills and supplements are not meat and I refuse to eat them. So stop trying to bury them within my raw meat to trick me into consuming them. I will find them and spit them out. No matter how far you shove them down my throat and massage my neck, I will not swallow them. I eat the raw meat diet for a reason, the reason being that I am a wild animal consuming what I was meant to in nature. If I was in the wild, I would be hunting down squirrels and eating them, biting wings off chickens, and sneaking up on oxen and eating their tails off. Mom, I guess I am okay with eating the veggies you give me as long as you continue to blend them up to resemble the stomach of a kill I made in the wild, but forget about me eating supplements. I mean, how many wild animals do you know that hunt fish oil pills? Whoa, there's a juicy digestive enzyme running up that tree that looks tasty, maybe I'll chase after it! I'm a wild animal, so stop it with the supplements.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 6- More Meat!
Because of my tummy problems and the fact I spent the first half of my life living on frogs and lizards that I found in the grass, I am one skinny boy. Since my humans adopted me, I have put on 7 pounds. Now that I am eating the entirely raw food diet, I plan to gain even more and get to normal weight for my breed. This is because when I eat the raw meat, it goes straight into my muscles and not straight out my bum like the kibble I used to feast on. I have noticed that eating raw meat has made me stronger and more muscular. I know I have a lot of hard work and raw feasting ahead of me, but I do believe that one day I will be fast enough to catch a squirrel. My dad tells me I can do anything I believe in if I work hard enough. That's why I am asking my mommy to feed me a larger portion of raw meat. I already get more than my brother (I'm not sure if he notices because I eat faster), but that is not enough for a growing boy like me. I think I should probably get around 17 full chicken wings per day, along with a full oxtail. In fact, it would probably be good for me just to stay in my feasting cage and feast all day long on raw meat and then go outside and hunt squirrels. I want to become as large as a rottweiler, so larger portions are the way to go.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 5- Preparing the Feast
Sometimes my humans leave me and my brother at home and go outside and come back with a huge feast of raw meat. I have no idea where they get this feast because when I go outside looking for it, it is not there. Kind of suspicious, don't you think? Anyway, today my humans arrived home with the feast and laid it out on the kitchen island putting it in little baggies instead of in my mouth. Being in the presence of this amount of raw meat put me into a meat rage. I picked a fight with my brother, thrashed my stuffed lemur toy, and barked like a beast until I was put in time-out. When I was released from time-out, the raw feast was neatly packed away into the meat locker -- I presume for future consumption. My question is, why can't we eat now? And why do I always have to wear that weird dish towel snood on my head while I am feasting on raw meat and bones? And why do I have to go into my feasting cage? This preparation for feasting is making me crazy. First packing it all up, and then when it is actually time to feast, pulling it out, weighing it, scooping yogurt into my bowl, shoveling some blended veggies on top, throwing some digestive enzymes in there, breaking up chicken wings.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 4- I Hate My Mommy
So I'm sure you've heard that I am going through a little detox as a result of my body adjusting to my new BARF diet. I did a few kitchen diarrheas yesterday and also some puking. In fact, I did one particular projectile vomit that grazed my dad in the leg.
So then my mommy comes up with this brilliant idea that it would be good for me to fast in order to let this sickness work its way through my system. Maybe she didn't hear that the BARF diet is about feasting, not fasting. Long story short, I got no dinner last night and I am not speaking to my mommy. I woke up this morning starving and ready to put myself up for adoption. I thought that I would never feast again. It reminded me of the days when I lived on the streets and all I would eat in a week was a banana peel, three frogs, and a Mexican food takeout container.
Much to my relief, I was put in my feasting cage with my dish towel snood on this morning and given a large helping of raw chicken wings. I then did a nice poo outside, so I guess I am feeling better. I'm glad this fasting thing is apparently over. My brother's poo was also good this morning after the long fast, but then he dropped a soft one in the kitchen a few hours later. I was like "come on, man, clean up your act or we are going to have to fast again!" So I am back in action on my raw meat diet after a little starvation scare. My brother has some advice on this whole fasting debacle, but I recommend you bite your humans if they think of following it, even though my stomach does feel better.
No longer hungry,
a hungry word from brother:If your tummy is not improving and you are still suffering from upsets, fasting may not be a bad idea. Well, if you ask me it's a terrible thing, but I guess the rationale behind it is okay. The thought is that 12-24 hours without food will give your system the chance to settle down, empty itself of what it needs to get rid of, and heal. You should take it easy during your time spent feastlessness, and there should always be fresh, clean water out for you. Your insides should be able to recuperate rather quickly when given the chance, and sometimes they just can't do that if they're constantly being bombarded by irritating foods. Another thing to try would be some slippery elm pills or powder as it coats the intestines with a mucousy layer that helps to protect and soothe. It can even be boiled in some water until it gets thick, and once cooled a little bit of chicken broth or honey can be added to entice you into eating it. But, on your fasting day, that might look quite tasty without the extras. That mix can also be put in with your food, or your human can just add the herb as-is.