Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Raw Food Diet, Day 148- Welcome to Beastville State Park

Hey guys.  I've been missing for a few days because my mom was in a tizzy about losing her digital camera.  We went on a super fun hike on Saturday, and we weren't able to write a post because there were no photos of my beastly handsomeness!  But my dad, as a testament to his coolness and showing off his magical abilities, found my mom's camera hidden in a pocket of her jogging belt.  Yes!  So here I am in all my manly glory.

Helping my folks prepare for the hike by eating the book with the trail map and directions.  I am so thoughtful!

Big Pupi posing leashless and being all naughty because this is a must-leash park!  Rebel!

Strutting my manliness and zooming along the trails.  I had bugs to catch and signs to bark at!  Dad was such a slow poke.

I was one tired and hot boy.  So tired and hot, in fact, that my dad had to carry me for part of the way on the trail.  I would find a shady spot and plop my belly into it, and reject each of my humans' silly attempts to get me moving again.  I won!

This is a photo of my new park.  I lifted my leg so many times I practically dried myself out.  Big Pupi was also busy working on purchasing some trees and bushes, so I guess I have to share my park with him.  I am going to rename this state park, and call it "Beastville" from now on.  Someone please notify the state of Illinois of this change.

That day was so awesome.  Pupi and I got to jump off the dock into some really nice stinky water and splash around for a while to cool off, and then there were hours of medium-speed hunting in the woods and out on the trails.  I hardly screamed at all!  I saved my vocal cords for the ride home, which was almost 2 hours and my car sick meds were wearing off so I made my people aware of this for a solid 90 minutes by whining in the back seat.  Ha!  Plus I was nice and stinky and still wet from my last dip in the lake.  Sweetness.  I like these places of hunting and swimming and would like to visit my park again soon.  However, they make me so exhausted that I slept until Monday (I woke for feasts and weebles, of course).  But it's totally worth the sore muscles.  I recommend heading out and marking/purchasing parks of your very own.


Hero said...

Beastville looks amazing!!! If I'm ever in your part of the world I'll have to make sure to visit it. Going for hikes during the day can be rough for us spaniels what with all our beautiful hair. I guess getting hot is the price we must pay for being so gorgeous. When I go for afternoon hikes with my mom she helps me out by making sure that I get a drink every 30 minutes. When it's really hot she also wets my head, my paws, and even my belly to help me cool down. I hope your get to visit your park again sometime soon. It really looks like a doggy paradise!!

Niamh said...


That is great that you and Big Pupi are going to have your own park. Will you let other nice dogs visit it too? Looks like you guys had a great time. Being tired is good.

Your friend,

Petra said...

I wonder if this park is anywhere close to my house? It looks like a great place to play!

Motch says her cocker used to do get tired on walks and plop down on the ground and demand to be carried, too. I'm glad to hear that you're in charge, Stanislaw!

Mack said...

What fun you had!!

I wish there was something cool like that around where I live - but I know they couldn't bring Brother cause he gets too tired too easily. It's that short stubby nose of his. Our noses are long and wonderful! Huh!!?

Mack said...

What fun you had!!

I wish there was something cool like that around where I live - but I know they couldn't bring Brother cause he gets too tired too easily. It's that short stubby nose of his. Our noses are long and wonderful! Huh!!?

Fenway said...

Whoa, guys!!! You 2 are total outlaws with the leashlessness. I'm impressed—flouting rules is my favorite pastime. Ms. Alpha is worn out trying to think up new ones. Waste of time...stupid human. I am the Rule Breaker.

So you got yourselves a patch o' land! Way to go. I've got my beach territory all marked off, ready and waiting for 4-legged beasts. There will be no sandcastles in my kingdom unless I approve.

Do your humans almost drive into a tree when you car whine? I did that last night for a full 45 minutes during rush hour and a rainstorm. When we got to the Agility Class (late) Ms. Alpha was told to take a few deep breaths and calm down. hahaha. I am a wicked boy!

Anonymous said...

Whoa, Beastville!! I want to go!!! Sounds super amazing and I think your outlaw recklessness is super sexy.

And Stani, we have something else in common. I like to go to the shady spots on my walk and refuse to move. Thats how I get the humans to carry me. Ha ha. What a great game.


Ella Bean

Charlie Daniels said...

Beastville! I like the sound of that!

I still try to lay down in shady spots on long walks ... but he problem is My-Peds can't carry me to far anymore ...



Tadpole said...

OMD you got to go to a park AND be off-leash?!?!?! I need to visit Beastville and claim a part for myself!

Your dad is a SUPERHERO for finding the camera!

andrahyb said...

Beastville is soooooo pawsome!!!
We wanna be there too, aww!

Love Big Pupi's ears in that pose,
How did ya do that huh?

We get to go out daily.. But nothing beats hiking!!!

Paws up!
Rudolf + Goofy

Amber-Mae said...

Beastville does look pawsome! I wish I was there with you guys. Looks like so much fun!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dandy Duke said...

What a nice spot for a hike and a swim! Beastville - we really like that, Stan!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch