All through the month of October, the city of Chicago hosts Chicagoween.
It's a series of events that includes a farmer's market, pumpkin carving, mask painting, parades, acrobatic shows, a haunted house and pyrotechnic dancers. This is what the acrobats look like:
Spooky! On Saturday the children's costume parade was scheduled and Big Pupi and I strapped on our outifts to join in on the fun down at the "Franken Plaza." Our costumes were a hit!

There were LOADS of human puppies dressed up as skeletons, and there was even one pup in a skunk costume! We got our pictures taken with lots of kids and there was TONS of attention and head skritches coming our way. It was awesome!
The best part of the whole event for Big Pupi was the delicious smell of the sausage stand, and it was difficult (impossible!) getting his attention and stopping his nose from the constant SNIFFING SNIFFING. Mini-humans would come to pet him and he wouldn't even notice! The fact that there were hay rides being pulled by great big horses didn't help either. Pupi isn't fond of horses and goes nutty whenever he can smell them... which is often when you live downtown, surprisingly. Silly humans love their romantic carriage rides! This is what Pupi looked like the whole time, keeping an eagle-eye on that sausage feasting stand:
The acrobats started their show a few minutes after we arrived at the Plaza, and the BOOM BOOM of their music and high climbing and tumbling was just about all I could take. I joined their music with some screaming and whining of my own and got totally stressed to the max. I began barking at humans and their puppies and moments after that Naughty Boy-ness I was removed from the party. Not a single sausage found its way into my mouth! Not fair! At least I managed to give a little girl a huge slobbery Stanislaw smooch right on the cheek before leaving, and a little male human puppy let me lick the sugary stickiness off his tiny human hands. Tasty!
Our people weren't able to get any good photos of us because they were so busy trying to calm me down and keep me quiet, and they were constantly plucking half eaten chocolate candies from Pupi's and my mouths. We found them! We hunted those Reese's down! I deserve to feast on it! Arg! Again - so not fair.
As we were making our exit, we passed a super awesome Westie dog dressed as a bumble bee. I had to give her a couple really good sniffs to make sure she was, in fact, a dog and after a few impromptu play bows we were on our way. While waiting at a red light, while I was shrieking and drawing all sorts of attention to myself, a very nice mail lady with a bag filled to the brim with fresh shreddable materials showed my humans her cell phone with a photo of her black cocker spaniel on it! Ah yes. We spaniels are everywhere. We shall soon rule the world!
But first I've got to get this dang skunk costume off me...
stinky Stanislaw
Looks like a supew fun event, and you and Big Pupi look gweat in youw costoomes(even if you'we not to happy weawing them !
I'm suwe youw wule would be lovely
smoochie kisses
That was great that you guys were such a hit with the little ones Stanislaw. You two look very snazzy in your Howl-o-ween costumes.
I'm with Big Pupi on the sausage sniffing. I am sure my nose would have been twitching if I was with him. I can't believe that not even one sausage fell your way. Glad you had fun though.
Your friend,
oh, i wore my costume this weekend too. I was not very happy. But, I forgot about it after a while and had a grand time.
I can't believe I've never heard of chicagoween and it's in my own back yard! I loved your costumes, even the skunk one!
Your costumes are great, I'm still chuckling, not AT you you and I did love to hear bout the special Chicagoween day, looks pawfect aprat from the lack of foodables, specially the bangers...
And I wanted to say a very big thank you for your kind and helpful comment on my blog this week, it was really appreciated.
Wiry wags, Eric x
I missed my big parade because Ms. Alpha said it was raining cats & dogs outside. I looked for animals falling from the sky, particularly the cats, but only got soaking wet. I have no idea what she thought was happening. Cat's & dogs my behind!!! Hmmmpf!
I'm thinking since I am bxw, I can do minimal costume prep and easily become a skunk for Howl-o-Weenie.
And speaking of weenies, sorry to hear you missed the sausages.
Your pal,
Stinky Stanislaw, your costume rocks!! Big Pupi's costume isn't so bad, either, though I wonder what it would have looked like on you.
Too bad you couldnt bring a stink bomb and set it off near the sausage stand and then when everyone was running away (from you), you could snag all the sausages.
Those costumes rock!!!
Why can't our tacky little town ever do anything fun like yours???
You both look fabulous in your Halloween costumes! Bummer that you missed out on those yummy sausages!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You two look great!
Sure you had a great time there!
Kisses and hugs
I like both of your costumes guys! I have that skunk costume too Stan but it's a bit tight. Bet the parade was fun!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
That sounds like a really COOL event, Stan! Love the photos of you and Pupi in your costumes...hehe! See, it's not so bad getting dressed up when you have lots of pats from people right? *wink*
Hi Stan, and Pupi,
Looks like Chicagoween is pretty cool! You took look so cute in your costumes - but I can understand your feeling of wanting to get out of it!
Love Clover xo
omdog you guys look GREAT! Tanner needs a skunk costume because he always stinks from farting so much!
Hey Stan--
I don't know which is coat (thanks to the vitamins & oil your mom recommended) or my teeth. Man, I am one high gloss dude! Just call me Patent Leather Fenway.
Seriously, for the pearly whites you can beg for some beef or pork rib bones, some oxtail on the bone and some beef marrow bones, but make sure those aren't too big and sturdy. I get at least one serving of these in every meal.
Feast Heartily and With Bone,
Love the costumes :-)
Your costumes are great. I'd be stressed out in a loud crowd, too. I don't blame you for getting out of there. You should have gotten a sausage though for all your suffering.
love & wags,
If only where we are is as interesting as where you both stayed! Sigh~
But thanks for sharing such fun event with us, and bet you had great fun with those fab costumes!
Stan, the dang skunk costumes does matches you alot. We had abit of rough time identifying your face, BOL!
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