Saturday, May 31, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 124- Hi Ho Hi Ho
Friday, May 30, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 123- Making a Birthday List
Shout, cry, pout, lie... I know those things keep Santa Claus away (although my shouting didn't stop him from visiting me in April), but do they keep the Birthday Claus away? Is there a Birthday Claus? There should be, because I have begun to put together a list of birthday stuffies and treats that I would like to receive as an homage to myself. This is just a cursory list, as my big day isn't until July 26 (dad made up my birthday, and I share it with another famous Stanislaw). I've never had humans or friends before who were willing to dedicate a day just to me and tend to my feasting and gift-wanting. I will be an estimated 2 years old and the big day is a Saturday. That, my friends, is worthy of some animal-like partying.

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 122-Howling at the Moon
The other day, my human was telling me a bedtime story. He happened to mention that some people believed that the moon was made out of cheese, until other humans went there and found out that it wasn't. Well, I'm not completely convinced that this particular celestial body is not made out of deliciousness. I like to sniff things out for myself. I surely don't believe that Buzz Lightyear with his space helmet over his weak human nose was able to determine that the moon was, in fact, not constructed out of cheesy matter.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 121- Tagged again
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 120- I Said No No No
Yesterday was Memorial Day and Big Pupi and I got to go for a slow hunt through downtown to the park. Our humans sat on a bench and watched a water-spitting monster while my brother and I kept a look-out for squirrels. I tried to be Have but I couldn't control myself and screamed the entire time we were out. It was a hot day and my over-excitement made me one steamy boy and we had to cut our walk short so I could cool off. Big Pupi was a good boy as usual and he even sat nicely for a photograph:
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 118- Race is an Awesome Guy
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 117- You're Feeling Sleepy...
This video was filmed 2 days ago, when we got back from the doctor's office. Big Pupi gets so stressed when he's at the Place of Tile and Steel that he can barely keep his eyes open when we get home. He also likes to hold a toy in his mouth because it soothes him after an exhausting afternoon. There was some quality napping afterwards!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 116- The Place of Tile and Steel
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 115- Chat with Stanley!
He's a man of few words...
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 114- We Need Sox Fans!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 113- I Missed the Dog Dance Party
I got an invitation to attend a dog dance party at a local bar last weekend. Unfortunately, my humans decided that it would be best for me not to attend due to my excitement issues. What's wrong with getting a little revved-up once in a while? The loud music, all the people and dogs - those are some serious reasons to get excited. Plus I am a party animal. Whenever I hear "We Like to Party" by the Vengaboys, I start sprinting around and busting out some sweet dance moves like The Play-Bow. "Shipping Up to Boston" by the Dropkick Murphys also gets me particularly fired up. This song gives me the courage to steal my brother's toys (he always kicks my bum afterwards) and jump up on my kitchen table to wrestle my humans' dinner away from them (I get put in time-out afterwards). I'm just saying, I would have been the life of the Dog Dance Party.
A Moving Movie
For my buddy Beckett~
Monday, May 19, 2008
Post #2 for today
Okay. So maybe I was wrong. A fast run to the dog park. An hour sprinting and doing "speed bottom" all around while being chased by Jack Russell. A snack feast of cottage cheese and scrambled eggs at home... All this may be enough to take a dog out for the rest of the day after all. Mom said I didn't make a peep all afternoon. However, mom kept this annoying bright lamp on while she was working so I was forced to nap like this:
Raw Food Diet, Day 112- Who is Race?
My brother and I have brought you all here to express our deep concern regarding a sudden change of our life patterns. We used to be taken on nice long runs with our humans, and those runs have suddenly decreased severely in number. I realize that my humans have been relying on the dog park more and more to make us run and get our exercise. You see, my people are training for something called "Race." I suppose that Race is a scary thing because they go out for very long runs that they say are too much for our little legs to handle. But I want to know why we are not preparing for Race because Big Pupi and I should also be in shape for this monster-thing in case it comes around. I have even overheard my people say that Race is indeed coming next Saturday, and now my brother and I are behind in our training! But on the upside, and for reasons that I just can not comprehend, my humans are only going for short runs this week which means that we will get to sprint our little hearts out for the mile to the dog park and the mile back.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 109- How I Tricked My Humans
Last night my mom gave me a bully stick. I love to chew on these things for a while but then I get this weird, almost primal urge to bury them. The problem is I can't dig through a hardwood floor. So I was walking around my apartment, whining and looking for a good place to bury my treat. A few minutes later I heard my mom say, "Where's Stanley?" My humans began searching the apartment for me. They searched in the rooms, in my crate, in the closets, under the bed - I was no where to be found. We don't have a balcony and the front door wasn't open, so I must be in the apartment somewhere.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 108- My Humans Have One Sweet Sleeping Crate
So I was bathed the other day which stunk, except now that I've been clean my dad has let me jump up onto the sweet human sleeping crate to watch sports with him the last two nights. I have to say that my humans really know how to roll when it comes to sleeping. Their bed is crazy comfortable and filled with great human smells. I didn't know what I was missing by sleeping in my own crate every night. I'm planning on getting really dirty today at the dog park, so I may not be allowed on the human crate for much longer. Just wondering if maybe we could switch blankies? You can have all 5 of my fleece blankies for your 1 comforter? Please humans, I promise not to puke on them. Spoiled sleeping humans! I'm going to take my frustrations out on a stuffy.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 107- Deep Thoughts by Stanislaw #3

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 106- An Important Announcement
We have news! We have news!

Monday, May 12, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 105- Searching for Deliciousness
Some of the search terms people type into Google to find my blog are pretty hilarious. I picked my top 10 favorites for the past few weeks. Check them out, with my comments:
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 104- Filing a Formal Complaint

Friday, May 9, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 102- I Would Win if I Were on Reality TV
I'm thinking about trying out for a reality TV show in order to make some money to put towards the purchase of cheese. I've watched these wimps on these shows and I'm pretty confident that I would dominate. Take the so-called "gross food" eating episode every reality show has. There are guys choking down insects and organs, puking and gagging and taking an hour to do it. If someone put a plate of bugs in front of me, I would eat it in about 2 seconds and then eat everyone else's plates too. I'd get immunity every episode, which wouldn't matter anyway because - who would vote me out if I were up for elimination? Everybody loves me!

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 101- Memoir Meme
I have been tagged by Mr. Hero, a fellow rescued buddy, to take part in the memoir meme. Here are the rules:

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 100- Deep Thoughts by Stanislaw #2
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Raw Food Diet, Day 99- Mornings are Stressful
So you may know that I sleep in a crate at night, which I love. It's good to have a place all of my own where I can hide things like leather shoes, Chapstick, and cell phones that I steal from my humans. The problem with my crate is that it stresses me out in the morning. When I hear my humans get up, I wake up and realize that I'm hungry!! I want to eat!! But there's this stupid latch on my crate so I can't get out until my humans come save me.