Monday, August 11, 2008

Raw Food Diet, Day 195- The End of a Birthday Weekend

Big Pupi typing away again:
So now that I'm officially the man of the house (Stanislaw remains the only young lad around these parts), I feel that I'm old enough to have certain privileges.  Like a doggie door.  Or a credit card.  My humans say NO to both, but they have a human door and meat-buying cards!  So not fair.  

Anyway, to continue my birthday tale from my last post, we did as you'd expect... we had vanilla ice cream!  Stan and I couldn't keep our tongues in our mouthes at the sight and smell of that creamy deliciousness.
We snarfled our creamy feasts down super quick, and mom even let me chew on the bowl until there was nothing left but birthday bowl confetti.
I was waiting to be showered with birthday gifts, but instead my uncle and grandpa came to visit!  They brought with them plenty of belly rubs and they even let me snoozel on their human crates that magically appeared in the living room and office!  Sweetness.  They even insisted on taking us all for a nice walk to Lake Michigan and they let us lap water from the human water fountain!  These guys were super cool.

It was very sad for Stan and me to see them go early Sunday morning.  They didn't stay very long and we kept begging our humans to let us keep them.  Please dad?  Can I keep Uncle?  They dragged their bags out the door barely after sun rise.  It was also on this morning that dad got up before the sun and put on his fast hunting gear.  Was he taking Stanislaw and me for an early hunt?  No, he wasn't.  Stan screamed in protest from his crate.  Dad had another early morning where he had to go deal with that beast called Race... the one named "Half Marathon."  Mom was supposed to go as well but she hurt her knee and wasn't allowed to fight the monster.  I guess dad did okay because he came home without a scratch on him!  And there's always lots of feasting when our humans get back from battling with Race.  So it was a sad morning but in the end it turned out a-okay.

To get back on the topic of my birthday... throughout the weekend my birthday gifts had trickled in.  First up was this fabulous and insanely generous gift from Stanislaw's girlfriend Paris.  She sent it along as a double birthday treat for Stan and me to share since our special days are so close.  This was definitely the best gift a pup could hope for~
Stan and I know what it's like to be down on our luck, to not get the love we need, the medical care we need, or the food we love (and need)!  And anything that goes out to help another pup that finds itself in a bad spot sure makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  I mean, we are a pair of seriously spoiled pups now, and don't we all deserve to be spoiled?  We know that every donation makes a difference, and so we couldn't be any more thankful for this gift.  Thanks a billion paws over Miss Paris Rain!  (Did anyone notice the handsome black cocker spaniel in that photo?!  Fabulous feasting!)

Now in more selfish news, Stan and I got some pretty rad offerings from our humans for my special day.  Turns out that my folks traded in their wonderfully lumpy, human-scented pillows for a fresh new set.  I have to say that I like how their minds work and in true "waste not, want not" fashion they gave their old pillows to Stanislaw and me.  He immediately took to the one that smelled like dad.  He tried to work on Good Boy Chews on there, but just couldn't keep himself from burying his face in the bumpy softness of eau de dad.
I, on the other paw, immediately found mom's old pillow and curled up nice and tiny to make sure that my entire body was resting on something soft.  My humans call this my "prince and the pea" routine.  They think it's funny that I like to rest my fanny only on the softest of things.
Stan started getting a little warm lying on the pillows but he really didn't want to remove himself from the coziness completely, so he stretched out nice and long and left half of his body on the pillow, the other half on the cool wood floor.
Before the night was over our humans put our new pillows in our crates and wrapped them around with our fleece blankies.  Stanislaw and I didn't make a peep the whole night... and mom would know because she wakes up for everything - even our late-night digging and reconfiguring of our crate blankies.  But no, tonight we stayed put and didn't so much as wiggle a floppy cocker ear.  

Man, birthdays are the best!  How much longer 'til my next one?
Big Pupi


Fenway said...

Congrats on your Man Day Pupi. It warms my little heart to know that you are living the high life after your rocky start.

We have been robbed of our rightful crown as the Plum TV Dog of the Month. Cry Baby Bailey, who really came in second, lodged a pitiful complaint about the voting extension. So, like poor Al Gore in Florida, I must step aside because of some inside shenanigans on Bailey's part. The good news is that he's off island, so I get the TV appearance and interview on August 17. I'm practicing my mightiest bark screams.

I seriously want to share the swag they are going to give me as a consolation prize. I'll be in touch about that and have Ms. Alpha get with your people to make that happen.

All the best, forever,

Mack said...

Hi guys!
We're so glad you liked it.
Mom volunters at the local SPCA, and so she helped us think of the idea. Paris, of course, picked out the card with the Stani wannabe on it!

PS: Paris loves to chew up paper bowls too! Must be a cocker thing :)

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Whoa...those were cool pressies indeed! A donation on your behalf and some snuggly pillows! Awesome!

Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself loads on your birthday, Big Pupi! Next time, maybe you could persuade your parents for a credit card,eh? *wink*


Asta said...

Big Puppy
What a tewwifically pawsome look soo happy andsatisfied by the time you wewe flopped down on the nice pillows..those gifts and visit wewethe best!
smoochie kisses

Petra said...

Vanilla ice cream, a visit from your grandpa and uncle, and a gift from Paris all in one weekend!

What a way to celebrate! I hope you get rested up so you're ready to run at the park soon.

And I'm happy your dad and mom came back home in good health after the encounter with Race.

Dandy Duke said...

We've been waiting to see those ice cream pictures and they were definitely worth the wait! We're drooling just thinking of the vanilla yumminess!
Crate pillows wrapped in fleece blankies sounds like Heaven to us! What a birthday!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Charlie Daniels said...

Awwww what a great time you all had. It makes me happy to know that you are happy!



Agatha and Archie said...

OOOHHH ice cream and pillows(and not just any pillows...PL PILLOWS!!!!)How lucky are you guys!!! Sounded like a wonderfull day for a wonderfull pup!! Love and kisses A+A

Niamh said...

Great way to celebrate your birthday - ice cream, belly rubs and pillows! Maybe next year you will get your own credit card. That was so nice of Paris to donate to ASPCA in your honor. Dogs (and cats) in shelters need all the help that they can get.

Your friend,

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Happy Birthday! I love your pillow stories.

Levi's mom

Juno said...

Happy belated Barkday, Big Pupi!! We're glad you had a pawsome barkday!!!

Momo & Pinot

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY once more BP! Sounds like you did well! You deserve it.

Ella Bean

Girl Girl Hamster said...

What a pawsome birthday that was. Your new pillows sure look very comfy. ;)

~ Girl girl

Clover said...

You guys are so cute! Happy Belated Barkday Big Pupi!!
Love Clover xo

Petra said...

pee s: coffee is high priority around here. My dad has a roaster in the basement and he roasts coffee, so come see me and we can eat coffee beans together.

Fenway said...

I have a BIG BIRTHDAY SURPRISE for you two over at my blogspot.

PS: I'm liking those human-scented pillows. That tip should be in Martha Stewart's "Good Things" column.

FleasGang said...

Does this mean you are in need of a name change? "Big Man" just doesn't have the same ring to it. Happy snoozing!

stump wags
The FleasGang